Power Metal

Benzine said:
the mighy Rhapsody are the kings of power metal (or symphonic epic hollywood metal according to their album sticker) once you listen to power metal enough you become immune to the cheese and don't even realise its there! :)
I wish I could get used to the cheesy vocals to the point that I become immune to the cheesiness; Rhapsody have some great instrumentation, as do some other power metal bands.
epi5ode666 said:
would hammerfall and blind guardian class as powermetal?
I personally haven't heard Hammerfall, but I'd say that Blind Guardian would define power metal. I'm listening to Nightfall in Middle Earth right now, great, great album...probably the best "first album" to get. I also have and highly recommend Somewhere Far Beyond and Imaginations from the Other Side. A Night at the Opera is incredible, but less accessible; I love it, but your mileage may vary.

MrMajs said:
Yes please, Ill take two of those.

BTW is iced earth power metal?
Many consider them power metal, but I personally think they're a hybrid between thrash and power. One of Jon Schaffer's biggest inspirations was Iron Maiden, so there is some influence there.

That said, Iced Earth is one of my absolute favorite bands, if not THE favorite.
I'm going to download some Brimstone right now. By the way, Nevermore is a good power metal band. They don't got those cheesy sounding vocals and they're aggressive compared to other bands in that genre.
I like Blind Guardian a lot (hard to see :Smug: ) cause they get better with every album. They started with very fast Speed Metal and turned into power metal and now they make music which can`t fit in any genre (A try is bombastic opera metal).

And on the lyrical view they also rule. O.K. the most songs about middle earth, lotr and stuff but there are songs which are about the trojan war(And then there was silcence), the crusades (another holy war), religion(valhalla), the arthur saga (Mordred`s Song), ...
some of my favorite bands are hammerfall, dream evil, rhapsody/luca turilli, stratovarius and the like. pretty much the stuff that the anti-power metal folks despise.
nergal_S said:
I love power metal just as much Black and Death metal.

Each one of them is special in its own way.

How very true this is. I for one am a fan of power metal. I love Blind Guardian. They are great musicians and Hansi's voice is just incredible. I'm kind of suprised that no one has mentioned Nightwish yet. Another great band to check out.
IcedMadness said:
How very true this is. I for one am a fan of power metal. I love Blind Guardian. They are great musicians and Hansi's voice is just incredible. I'm kind of suprised that no one has mentioned Nightwish yet. Another great band to check out.

Nightwish has been mentioned like 50 times already.
LuminousAether said:
Personally, I abhor power metal. The extremely melodramatic cheeseball vocals make me want to cry in abject horror. I guess you could try Blind Guardian as their singer sounds more like Freddy Mercury than Kip Winger, but they are still almost laughably bad. Just avoid power metal like I do if you don't like the vocals.

HELL YEAH!!!...:hotjump:

If you don't like it.. avoid it.

I heard that somebody said something like: "If you don't like the vocals on power meta, try something like NEVERMORE
Hey Dodens Grav, Stormwarrior RULE.
their music can be considered ..a "copy" of Walls Of Jericho but who cares, they play with lots of passion, power, and they create intense POWER metal with killer riffing.