FeedForward says Hi...


New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2005
Thanx for the compliment Ed (and the rest of you guys!).... We really appreciate it....
It still feels a bit surreal, us opening up for my favorite band :worship: It has been an honor and a pleasure!!!
Maybe we'll get to do it again sometime, but then without the curfew and being kicked out while enjoying a nice beer and good conversation?!

We're in the studio over the next couple of weeks recording a five-track demo and if you like i could sent you a copy when it's finished? Just say the word....

Again thanx for Weert and for Headway...

GRTZ Bianca :loco: / FeedForward

That's always a BIG problemo in Weert....
Just as the audience.... I still can't imagine WHY there were only approx. 100 people...

A pity... :erk:

Like written in another thread, you guys AND girl were a nice opening act and I hope to hear more from you in the (near) future.... :D

Stay tuned!
Hey Patrick,

I'm not sure why there was such a small crowd, but for me personally it ads that little bit extra when it's not too crowded and you have some room to dance. Also it sort of feels like your own private concert, I guess gig venues are not my thing...

if you liked our music, maybe you can check out our website, it's www.feedforward.info....

And maybe you'll see us in Weert again, that is if we make the finals for WAF...

GRTZ Bianca