Feel free to rape me, my first ever recording.


Jan 9, 2008
So, i've been drafted in to record a friends band.

This is the result of one track, did 6 in total.

Superior drummer 2.0, with parallel compression on kick snare & toms, fair bit of eqing on the kick.

Guitars were guitar rig 4 + recabinet 3. They were drop b, with standard gauge strings and like $50 guitars :(

Vocals were recorded with an SM57 Beta

Bass was DI with some heavy compression and a slight bit of eq, cutting 500hz, and i've been trying to eq it for a more picky sound but haven't been able to quite get it.

Please feel free to rip this apart, it's my first ever try at recording!

I think i'm pretty happy with most bits, but the guitar tone. I couldn't seem to get anything good out of the guitars with it.

The guys were pretty terrible musicians, i had to edit the christ out of everything to make fairly decent takes.


Any feedback appreciated!
what DAW did you use for this? the mix sounds pretty good. not much bottom end on the guitar. Bass kinda carries most if not all of the heaviness. Don't over compress the bass. try a hpf on the bass. the kick drum is a little clicky imo. not a fan of the trigger sound. the edits are too fake.. in all honesty.. if you record a band that can't play well.... you gotta be the one to push them in order to make it sound as tight as possible. if not they won't learn. also vocals kinda sit weird with me for some reason. I love the attempt but it is a weird mix imo. hope to hear another take soon!
The edits are really obvious and need to be cleaned up a bit. The guitars need more low end and meat. The drums are pretty lifeless, and for most of the song I can't hear any drum but the kick and one cymbal.
I use Cubase 5.

Yeah the edits are the thing i need to smooth out, the guys i recorded were a bit of a nightmare. Even the smallest... simple riffs. I had to make them do it in 4 parts, then link together to get an in time sounding take :(

I was thinking of a bit of verb to the guitars, smoothing the edits out with crossfade. Maybe eq-ing a bit more bass into the guitar tones?

Vocals i guess i need to EQ and verb, he wasn't very good at all!