Fellow Comic Geeks


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs
Did anyone else catch the little tidbit in Scott's AM about him writing a book for IDW? That's fucking cool! I wonder who's doing the art? I'm a big fan of the whole 30 Days of Night series, so I hope it's in the same vain. Granted, I haven't picked up any of the Bloodsucker Tales yet, but I should.

Also, did anyone else read Identity Crisis? I was just wondering what you thought of the whole thing.

Ok, that's enough fangirl talk...gotta get back to work.
Ragamuffin said:
Garth Ennis is more important than God.
True dat! I finally picked up a copy of Punisher - Born last weekend. I've been meaning to get it since it came out.

I forgot what his upcoming project was...and I just read about it in Wizard. Dag nabbit, what the hell was it!
remington69 said:
True dat! I finally picked up a copy of Punisher - Born last weekend. I've been meaning to get it since it came out.

It´s pretty damn good! (I had to say something positive since I´ve blasted everything written or filmed here the last months). Maybe it´s not me but the producers that is the problem... oh well.
A chick who reads comics...be still my beating heart.
Anyhow, 30 Days of night is cool but I have only read the first series that came out, all the Cal McDonald stuff and whatnot I have skipped. identity Crisis was freakin great. Right now my favs are Y The Last man, Ex Machina, and the Ultimates...oh and the X-men book Joss Wheadon writes.