Fellow smokers, a question for you.

I just stopped smoking about 2 months ago. The best decision of my life.
... how do you pull that one?


haven't you heard? they recently changed their formula. All cigarettes are now made of rainbows and the laughter of clowns. So now, even oxygen is worse than cigarettes.
I Bought an E cig, worked great but broke after 2 weeks causing me to go back to cigs, struggling hard to quit.

But on-topic, no i do not flip luckies
I've been thinking about picking up an e-cig, do they actually feel like you're smoking a real cig though or is it more of a placebo effect?
Really been trying to at least cut way down on my smoking, but it's very hard. I'm pretty sure I have an extremely addictive personality. That, and not having a whole lot to do after work often leads to beer drinking and smoking too much.
I smoke one a day, and that's if i actually feel like smoking. 4-5 when i'm out with my homies, which doesnt happen so often. Moderation is the key for me. I'm 20. Most people I know started smoking at around 14. I don't get how folks develop an addiction to cigarettes - chain smoking destroys all the pleasure of toking up. Must be the peer pressure.
I've been thinking about picking up an e-cig, do they actually feel like you're smoking a real cig though or is it more of a placebo effect?

About 50/50 Id say. You cant really "feel" breathing in the vapor at, it will feel like smoking an ultra light cig at first but after a few days your body will get used to it and prefer the cleaner feeling. The nicotine buzz is not nearly the same though. Also like i said before, at least the one i bought was a POS and the atomizer burned out after a few weeks so it stopped working, and at that point i wasn't about to shell out another 30 bucks for a kit that would probably break again.

My advice would be if you are planning on quitting, dont use an e-cig to quit because you'll still be just as addicted to nicotine and taking it via cigarette form and it would be very easy to go back to normal tobacco