Fellow Whorebots... Powerfest, as always, was MAD Good Times!

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Friday Night Recap:
Picked up Mosquito and Space Dog at the air port, met up with Chris F5, got to the show... rocked out to some dark power metal bands, caused trouble, went to Denny's, went home!

Saturday Night Recap:
Woke up and went to Metal Haven with John Frank, Ken Luther, Boob, and many others. Discovered Goat Metal!! Yes, at Metal Haven there is a blocked section of Goat Metal. :-) Got to the show late... rocked out to some dark death and doom metal bands. Drank... lots and lots of really shitty beer. Then off to white castle... then the parties. Unfortunately, we got "stuck" in the elevator and fire department needed to rescue us. Then the manager found out that if he pushed a button the door would open.

Then came the discoveries -- discovered Greenland, discovered what the singer from Lethal looks like in his briefs and a cowboy hat, discovered my bed, discovered my hangover... ugh. Anyone else discover Greenland? I'm glad I didn't ask the singer from Lethal :-)

This has been mad good times! I had no idea so many of you fellow metal heads were in the Chicago suburban area like this. I'd really like to hang out with you all again. Maybe we can do a party at my place, kick back with some beers and good times this summer.

I really want to thank Chris Lotesto for putting this together! You are awesome man, and your good deeds will forever be remembered in my soft squishy metal heart. You didn't just bring metal to Chicago... you brought memories and good times that will be forever remembered. You brought a forum for us to truly be ourselves and share our passions with eachother!

Powerfest is one of the greatest traditions in metal! I seriously hope it keeps evolving and staying alive.

Stay TRU, whorebots...
The Michael
I think I've posted this here already but me and my roomates will be throwing our final party on June 2nd before we move out of this place..we're in a pretty good location for a party and we'll be having some of Chicago's finest metal bands help us out with some tunes... We'd certainly open our doors to all the crazy people here if they wanted to come out for a night of debauchery....party starts at 4pm and goes until the sun comes up..if you are interested drop me a line and I'll give you the address.

Unfortunately, we got "stuck" in the elevator and fire department needed to rescue us. Then the manager found out that if he pushed a button the door would open.

Yeah, that was pretty crazy, I was wondering who else was stuck in there...

I ran down to my car to grab some CDs and when I came back, a bunch of us piled into the elevator. It went up a couple a feet and made a wierd buzzing noise and stopped! None of the buttons worked and the guy on the emergency phone was being a total ASSHOLE -- telling us that we KNEW that we overloaded the elevator and did it on purpose. Give me a break! The last thing we wanted was to be stuck in there. "Ten metalheads and ONE beer! Doh!" Glad the doors came open and I ran right to the stairs to get back to the parties! Pretty funny story now, but at the time I thought we might be in there for a while waiting for the Fire department...
Yeah, that was pretty crazy, I was wondering who else was stuck in there...

I ran down to my car to grab some CDs and when I came back, a bunch of us piled into the elevator. It went up a couple a feet and made a wierd buzzing noise and stopped! None of the buttons worked and the guy on the emergency phone was being a total ASSHOLE -- telling us that we KNEW that we overloaded the elevator and did it on purpose. Give me a break! The last thing we wanted was to be stuck in there. "Ten metalheads and ONE beer! Doh!" Glad the doors came open and I ran right to the stairs to get back to the parties! Pretty funny story now, but at the time I thought we might be in there for a while waiting for the Fire department...

Haha! you went down to get a CD of yours for me and my friend to put in the next issue of Metal Domain! Bad timing I guess, but made for a good story, lol
I'll send you an issue soon bro!