Female Orgasm

Silver Incubus said:
Well fat people like addicts have no self control, or haven't learned how to transfer the self control they do have to eating and exercise.
This is true. :(
Well, that assumes we're all the same and that's just not the case. Anything from a genetic predisposition, a physical injury (ie knee or back), stomach problems, to side effects from certain pharma-ceuticals (ie anti-biotics) can effect your metabolism, your ability to exercise and hunger levels, all of which can definitely have a large effect on your overall weight.

I'm sure there are other factors affecting weight gain I haven't mentioned that have nothing to do with emotional overeating and a lack of self-control.
judas69 said:
Well, that assumes we're all the same and that's just not the case. Anything from a genetic predisposition, a physical injury (ie knee or back), stomach problems, to side effects from certain pharma-ceuticals (ie anti-biotics) can effect your metabolism, your ability to exercise and hunger levels, all of which can definitely have a large effect on your overall weight.

I'm sure there are other factors affecting weight gain I haven't mentioned that have nothing to do with emotional overeating and a lack of self-control.

With all due respect this sounds awful "Oprah-show" to me. Yes, of course there can be legitimate medical circumstances or such that effect weight-gain. Nevertheless, the most overwhelmingly common factors in obesity are simply over-eating, poor diet and lack of exercise. Whether that is to be considered a lack of self-control, I suppose is left to how one views being fat - some folks just don't care and it isn't a control issue either way, presumably.
Hypothyroidism. The lack of production of thyroxine by the thyroid gland in the body. In adults, it causes some serious obesity issues, and I've been witness to some of its cases.. my aunt being one of them. Even after this disease is cured and the gland dealt with, the body has to be exercised physically and the calories have to be burnt just like in a regularly obese person.

So yes, there could be other factors to obesity than simply over-eating and self-control.

P.S. I request a thread title/topic change :lol:
Well, I have friends who are as thin as rakes, aren't very active, and yet eat all the time and large portions of junk food like pizza and mcdonalds when they do. They eat poorly in hopes of gaining weight, and for whatever reason, just don't.

You can't explain this with the model that everyone is the same.
Yeah,Well How about pushing away that 14th donut or the 18th piece of pizza and get OFF your fat ass and do some excercise (excluding obese people with genetic problems) Walk, run, anything to stimulate your body. Let's face it, it's a "bootstrap proposition." Something worth having or accomplishing takes a diligent effort. People who are "deliberately" FAT are just lazy. They are looking for the "miracle" cure, where they take a pill and their obesity magically melts away.
Hey, my statement had nothin to do with you or your weight. I was referring to those who I have known throughout my life who are obese and do absolutely nothing about it. Those I excluded were people who have a genetic condition that affects their weight, and thus have no control over it. Obese people I have known just wish there was a quick fix and no effort required on their part to combat the weight problem they have. In which they continue to eat and eat and blame their problem on whatever sounds good. These people are not addicts they simply have no control or self-discipline to stop when they are full and to realize they are doing harm to themselves later in life. We all have issues in which we must do constant battle to overcome. Stuffing one's face incessantly can be controlled. BTW, before I ended up in a wheel-chair I was 6'2" and weighed 210 pds. When I first became disabled I was putting on unneccesary weight( lack of normal mobility) and was determined not to blimp out. With a regime of consistent excercise and proper nutrition I kept my weight normal. It can be done. So, because of my experience in dealing with this, according to you, my tiny head(assuming not much room for a brain) means I am so insecure I must resort to criticism and arrogance is ludicrous. The previous statement was not directed at you, but this one clearly is, you my pompous friend don't have a clue about me. And not knowing anything about me means your statement is based on assumption and therefore has no substance. Based on your retort, you seem like one who thinks we should coddle the obese, be sensitive. My opinion, and one I am certainly entitled to, is to say, no YELL get off your fuckin' ass and do something with your pitiful self. And if that is being arrogant and critical TOUGH SHIT. I have known a few who have responded quite well to this method.
Yeah I read it again after and realized you were just letting off steam, my bad, which is why I removed the post ..I guess just before you were done replying.

How did you end up in a wheel-chair, if you don't mind me asking?
judas69, apparently a minor misunderstanding. No big deal. Let's move on. In 1987, I was working in the steel mills here in Pittsburgh. I stangely became ill, weak mobility,slurred speech, extreme pain in muscles and joints. After awhile I ended up in the chair. The working diagnosis is "Axonal Neuropathy" an affliction that affects the nerves in my lower back, which send the signals to my extremities(feet,hands) Doctors have said I was exposed to a chemical in the mills that affected my immune system whereupon the nerves were also afflicted. Of course, this is all speculation on their part. We all have a mountain to climb in this life, and this is mine. Peace.