Fender Jazz 5string: mexican or squier?

Yeah I'm on a budget just because I'll use it to record some bass lines for fun on some projects, I'm through with ghetto bass (aka guitar pitched down) I can't stand it anymore.
I guess a real bass would be better and of course I can use it with bands that have shitty basses.
I don't know really what to pickup! mexican or squier?
It seems that top end squier are up to mexican standards, maybe better.
I own a 5 str. Squier Vintage Mod Jazz Bass and let me tell you it's a fucking bang for the bucks, Ermin can tell you the same about it so if it's good enough for him... :p
I have to agree with the others. The Squire VM (has to be maple though) seems to be the better of the two. I own a mexican Fender, and it's my favorite bass, but my Squire VM is basically as good for a lot less.
I own a 5 str. Squier Vintage Mod Jazz Bass and let me tell you it's a fucking bang for the bucks, Ermin can tell you the same about it so if it's good enough for him... :p

From what I heard Ermz doesn't dig it all THAT much for the moment.
why's that?

IIRC it didn't play nor sound exactly how he wanted. I know he sent it to his tech to upgrade the electronics and shield the interior of the bass, which should clear up the tone. He also got the nut changed.

But anyway I'm sure he's gonna chime in, he can explain his reasons much better than I can. :)
I picked up a mid 90's mexican fender deluxe jazz about a month ago. The guy was selling it for about the same price as a new squire VM jazz, so I borrowed one of them from a local guitar shop to compare them directly. Honestly, even with one week old strings on the thing, the mexifender shat all over the squire. In terms of build quality, it wasn't even a fair contest. I ended up with little cuts all over my fretting hand after playing the squire thanks to many of its frets being longer than the fret board and sticking out like knives.
Here is the truth ... Line up 30 Mexican built fenders some will be shit some ok and maybe one will sound as good as a Fender Custom . Do the same with Custom shop and the base level will be higher but there will be dogs and diamonds of the same model . The point being , buying blind without trying the actual guitar is a total lottery and from my experience normally ends in disappointment :yell:
I think this is very tough to find overseas, but brazilian Fender basses are AWESOME and way better than mex ones. And cheaper.
well I read a lot of stuff on the internet and this squier is by far the best in terms of quality compared to other squier shit.
I know that with 10 fenders lined up, maybe you can find 4 to 5 that sucks, but this thomann offer was a steal so bought it (308 euros brand new = 328 with shipping).
I'm not a bass player and needed a good cheap bass to record some lines, that's it really.
All the yt videos sounded good considering the price.
thanks for the attention

Here is the truth ... Line up 30 Mexican built fenders some will be shit some ok and maybe one will sound as good as a Fender Custom . Do the same with Custom shop and the base level will be higher but there will be dogs and diamonds of the same model . The point being , buying blind without trying the actual guitar is a total lottery and from my experience normally ends in disappointment :yell:

Unfortunately if I buy in shops over here I get raped by the prices all the time.
Buying from other european or italian shops is a better option.