Fenriz - Historical Documentation


Aug 27, 2002
In Hell
[IMGLEFT]http://russell.ultimatemetal.com/Interview/fenrizcover.jpg[/IMGLEFT]By Katalin Sipos

While awaiting the new Darkthrone album, Sardonic Wrath, a compilation album put together by Fenriz arrived from out of the blue. With this collection, the renowned drummer presents old-school black metal, a subject he should know well, having played a part in the (in)famous Norwegian black metal scene since its birth. Darkthrone started out as more of a death metal band, but after meeting Euronymous they changed their style. Several of their early albums were very important for black metal. Since this interview was given to talk about Fenriz Presents... The Best Of Old-School Black Metal, I wanted to avoid asking the main man about Darkthrone, instead focussing on the compilation and his earlier projects. His answers can sound ironic, and sometimes harsh, but they are always straightforward and plain.

Your compilation album has gotten a positive response from the press. Is this what you expected?

Most compilations (in the rest of the musical world) are put together by experts too, so compilations are usually greeted with respect. That's one of the reasons I constantly buy compilations myself, to learn about other types of music, etc. I expect everyone to understand IMMEDIATELY what I am trying to do with this compilation; EDUCATE the roots of the black metal sound.

Do you know anything about the sales numbers?

I have no idea. Love of music is my only momentum. I don't earn anything on the compilation either.

Where did the idea of putting such a compilation album together come from? I mean, why did you think black metal listeners need this compilation album?

It's been my wet dream since 94, at least. I always put together compilations and mixed tapes to friends etc, and finally getting the chance to do it more officially was great. I aired the idea to the Peaceville guys (hi Lisa and Hammy and Paul) and they thought it was a good idea too. Black metal listeners of today REALLY need this compilation, at least 80% of them [which are] those who think that BM started with Emperor and Dimmu Borgir or Darkthrone. Because that's BULLSHIT. When people get older, they want to search for the roots - the TRUTH. And HERE IT IS.

Why did it take so long to get it realized?

I always wanted to do a THRASH metal compilation. But I started with black metal. To cement a ROOTS SOUND, it has to be 15-20 years old, so I sort of HAD to wait this long. Other compilations in the METAL scene are pretty sorry - it is usually just label compilations or magazine compilations. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

How did you choose the particular tracks from the bands? And how did you choose the particular bands for this compilation? Some of the names must be very unfamiliar for many black metal fans of the younger generation…
It is natural... These are the bands we always listened to and gained experience and religious black metal feelings from up here in Norway and from other maniacs in the rest of the world. Most tracks I came up with within a minute. I follow my black heart, dam nit.

The promo sheet says that in the regular booklet people can read your comments on each track. For those who don’t have the album, can you give a few words on each track? Why were these particular songs important for black metal?

Yeah, I was always dying to write my liner notes AGAIN... No, that is for the ones that buy the album. I choose the tracks because they all make my heart burn or freeze

I am also glad you put Tormentor on this compilation album. Did you follow their career?

I don't have the time to follow anyone’s career; if I did that I would be a fan and not a creator. It was Euronymous who was the contact man of TORMENTOR in Norway, so I luckily got their demos when I needed them.

How many people do you think will go and buy, or just give a listen to, the studio albums of the bands that are on this compilation? It is especially interesting with Burzum.

If ONE person does it, it's all worth it. But of course, EVERY black metal head should have these albums. I expect people who contact me to know these bands and it is hard for me to take people seriously if they don't. Black metal people, that is.
The first Burzum albums are GODZ

Did the bands easily agree on being a part of this compilation? Were there any who refused?

Larry Lalonde, POSSESSED, refused. If I do a thrash metal compilation, I hope he does not refuse on that one too...

Are you satisfied with the band list for this compilation, or do you feel the need to release another one?

Very satisfied. If I made a tape for friends I would definitely have included more demo tracks, but when a release is official one has to hunt down who has the rights to everything - and that is often IMPOSSIBLE with demo tapes. So if people think that this compilation is obscure, they should know that I listen to FAR more obscure bands. Hehehehe.

Have you though about making a tribute album where you would record all songs instead of putting a compilation album together?

I HATE TRIBUTES. IT'S A SHIT IDEA! I HATE COVERSONGS! IT'S FAKE EMOTIONS!!! I have said no to 20-30 tribute projects, ARGH!


You are working with Peaceville again. Why did you choose to return to them?

Both pizza and cheeseburgers are good, but we'd been eating pizza for the last ten years - now it's time for cheeseburgers again

Did they accept the idea of this compilation album immediately or did you have to convince them?

If I needed to convince someone, I wouldn't have bothered. I don't have that GENE that makes me a good salesman.

Have you though about releasing this album under your own label, Tyrant Syndicate?

It was finished before TYRANT SYNDICATE was created. The track list was finished summer 2003, man.

Don't you think that just your name alone will draw more interest towards this compilation than the music?

It's not a regular compilation - it's a HISTORICAL DOCUMENT OF THE ROOTS SOUND OF BLACK METAL. Metal scene has been bombarded with WRONG compilations. I am here to set the record straight

The compilation's title says it is about old-school black metal. How would you describe old-school black metal?

Indescribable - it's a religious feeling. FEELING.

What does it mean to you? I mean, is it only a musical style, or is it kind of a life philosophy?

I don't believe in life philosophy - one always changes. But I believe in the primitiveness of black metal and not showing your mother how good one can play one’s instruments. Nerds destroy punk.

What do you think about the black metal scene nowadays in general? Original bands are still around, and there are lots of young, new bands who are playing old-school and traditional black metal, but for most of the people who are into metal the first bands that come to their mind are Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth etc.

It has always been like this. The biggest bands IN ANY GENRE are the most commercial. There are a FEW exceptions to the rule only. I look around me and I see tons of die hard primitive metal being blasted out and I don't NEED to listen to melodic "black metal".

Most of the people who are into metal think about Norwegian bands when they start to talk about black metal and Norway still produces very good black metal bands. How do you see the Norwegian scene nowadays?

Many great THRASH metal bands are here now, black metal mostly died in 94, and that goes for the whole world. But we got 1349, Nattefrost, Gorgoroth, Urgehal, Tsjuder, Disiplin, Khold, Thorns, Dhg, ORCUSTUS, the list can go on forever. But the thrash bands are the most interesting now, Inferno, Audiopain and Aura Noir has recorded their best stuff ever this year, and there are several other bands worth following.


What do you think about bands like Zyklon and the Rebel Extravaganza era of Satyricon?

Rebel Extravaganza is their best album. They finally quit most of the melodic classical folk music, and went BONE HARD. BONE HARD FOREVER IN METAL!!!

Elm Street has changed…

Much better now, the punk scene chased all the BLACK METAL POSERS and numb nuts from the villages away.

When compared to the population, Scandinavian countries have lots of metal bands (and lots of pop bands as well). What might be the reason for this huge amount of creativity in your opinion?

No bands ever played here - so we had to do everything ourselves. But that also means we are not a metal scene of CONSUMERS (like Germany) - we are a nation of CREATORS.

You founded Tyrant Syndicate and I assume you are going to work with bands whose music you like. How open are you towards other metal styles? Is there any metal style you can’t listen to for more than a few minutes?

I can't listen to bad wimpy metal at all. Faith No More is one of the worst bands I know. Nu metal is out of the question. Lame early 90s copy bands of Burzum and Darkthrone is an absolute NO. I am into USURPER, ABSCESS, REPULSION, DEATHSTRIKE, DARK ANGEL (I have just printed darkness descends shirts for my maniac friends for Christmas, hehehe.) and OLD (German total old school hell metal). I like it raw.

We cannot pass without talking about Quorthon, though I do not want to talk about his death. How do you see his and Bathory's role and impact on the development of black metal?

Quorthon was AND IS the most important person in black metal EVER. I was lucky enough to have time and place for his first 6 albums. From the rawest stuff on the first to the outro on twilight of the gods.

Will you ever make follow-ups to Storm and Neptune Towers?

No, I have distanced myself from mixing metal and melody since 1995.

With Storm traditional Norwegian folk music was in focus. Many people are really, really keen on that.

Why? Why do they think mixing metal and folk music is a good idea? It's KITSCH! It's an awful idea. It's BASTARDIZING AND FUCKING UP FOLK MUSIC. Folk music is proudest in it's original form! People will realize this WHEN THEY GROW UP.

Are you still in contact with Kari? What do you think about the music she makes lately?

No. I have no idea.

How often, or at all, do you listen to your own works?

I don't have time for that. I like to listen to a fresh album, but the old ones almost never. 2 albums a year MAYBE.


What about Isengard? Will you ever make another Isengard album? Is that true you recorded the last song on Vinterskugge drunk or is it just a hostile rumour?

Huh? I was drunk on most of it HAHAHHAHAHA I don't even remember. The last song is one of the best and the death metal demo from 1989. But the folk stuff is not my favorite.

Is music your only hobby, or do you have others? Or had in the past?

FOREST is my hobby - far away from the idiocy of man. Not much religion in the forest on my cross-country skis. Of course I played football when I was a kid (hard to trust someone that didn't).

Do you still go to concerts?

Concerts are SHIT when it's a big band, because then the FANS come out. Sick stupid fuckers that carefully dress in the T-shirt of the band they are going to see and stand and see their idol preach to them, like sheep. I was disgusted by this even as a kid. I go to concerts mainly to discover new bands or see bands that I have supported in a while but when they get big enough it's time to LET THEM GO, so to speak. I see 6 gigs a month only.

Anything you would like add? Something you want to say about the compilation album but nobody asked so far?

Yeah, I hear that the Destruction intro doesn't go DIRECTLY into the first metal riff, as it does on my Steamhammer original vinyl. IT's A CRYING SHAME! ARGH! SORRY!

Thank you very much for the interview, hope to talk to you sometime again!


Official Peaceville website
here you are :)

01. Blasphemy: Winds Of The Black Godz
02. Sarcofago: Satanic Lust
03. Celtic Frost: Dawn Of Megiddo
04. Nattefrost: Sluts Of Hell
05. Mercyful Fate: Evil
06. Sodom: Burst Command Til War
07. Tormentor: Elisabeth Bathory
08. Aura Noir: Blood Unity
09. Destruction: Curse Of The Gods
10. Samael: Into The Pentagram
11. Bulldozer: Whisky Time
12. Mayhem: The Freezing Moon
13. Hellhammer: The Third Of The Storms
14. Burzum: Ea, Lord Of The Deeps
15. Venom: Warhead
16. Bathory: Dies Irae
I love this guy... The interviews on the peaceville reissues are just as good. Also everyone should check out Aura Noir. They are amazing.
The interview seems pretty typical of most Black Metal folk - very righteous without being too self-righteos. Still, some interesting info.

Any suggestions of Old-School Black Metal bands that aren't on this compilation? And which albums? Mainly, I'm interested in non-melodic non-crossover non-commerical bands. You know, "true."
Very good interview :)

I thought I wouldn't have to buy this compilation because I have most of the music that is on it but I must say I am curious to read Fenris's comments on each track...

Also nice pics ;)

Cheers \m/
darkthrone is the best black metal ever. FACT!
dont pull that enslaved/immortal/xasthur/carpathian forest/1349/akercocke/arcturus/blut aus nord/children of bodom/cradle of filth/dark funeral/destroyer 666/dimmu borgir/dissection/NU-emperor/finntroll/goatwhore/god dethroned/judas iscariot/marduk/naglfar/old man's child/rotting christ/satyricon/ulver/zyklon b bullshit on me cause those bands suck donkey nuts.