Fenriz' Old School Black Metal Comp.

Under The Oak

Ens Causa Sui
Jul 9, 2003
Austin, TX
Fenriz of Darkthrone is doing his own compilation album about the "best of old school black metal", you can see the tracklist here.

So discuss. Which bands should've made it that didnt? In my opinion, its missing early Emperor and Immortal, but the rest is a pretty decent pick. Would it be cheap for Fenriz to put Darkthrone on the CD as well? :grin:
It's obvious what his intentions were: Put together a compilation that glorifies the old-school Black Metal. This compilation has a stellar tracklist and as I've said before, Fenriz has one of the best overall tastes in Heavy Metal music.
I was surprised to find a Mayhem tribute album that had such great bands doing covers as Immortal, Emperor, Darkthrone and Dark Funeral. Don't see too many good BM compilations or tribute albums out.
Erik said:
The tracklist is indeed superior. Emperor needs a place on an old-school BM compilation? The answer is NO. Immortal? No, because while their early stuff was "old school" and really good, they did exactly nothing Bathory hadn't done before back then.

Yup, that's exactly what I was going to say, I just was too lazy to say it. :grin:

Erik said:
I have the promo of this and will conduct an interview with Fenriz concerning it shortly.

Really now? Sounds good.
Selling their souls to an unknown force
Painting their faces with cum!
If the Devil is some kind of god
KILL HIM!!!!!!!!

Brutal Death Metal rules
Fuck off the melodic black metal

Fuck off: Cradle of Filth! Kovenant!
Emperor! Dimmuu Borgirr ! Tyrant!!

Selling Satan like another capitalism's product
Corrupting the essence of brutal music!!!
Remember what Warrior said:
Only Death is real!!!

and the the "t" is for "the", even though Sarcòfago themselves use F.O.M.B.M. Anyways, FUCK OFF THE MELODIC BLACK METAL!
I'm also the artist formerly known as Sorath in case you hadn't figured that out.
Back to the Fenriz Hit-Mania 2004: It probably rules, I'll sneak myself a listen of it in a few hours or so.