Fernandes - A Question for Mr. Blakkheim!!


a dead light...
Jan 26, 2006
i hope your deal with mayones doesn't forbid you to speak about this topic, because i know you love these guitars and especially their sustainer ;)

i'm really interested in buying a ravelle or a monterey, but i'm not sure which one and here in germany it's impossible to try out such underrated guitars :erk: i listened to some demos on the website and i'm f***** impressed!!! i want such a beauty!!!

i only heard that the finish and the durability of the monterey's is not as good as the ravelle's, but what really matters to me is the sound! i need an ass-kicking guitar which covers many styles of music from jazz to alternative to metal and i have the feeling that the monterey sounds heavier than the ravelle (it kinda looks like that). and i would appreciate that.

i've read a whole lot of reviews about both the ravelle and the monterey but reading those didn't help at all... so i would really like to hear the opinion of a skilled fernandes user! (who is my personal guitar-god by the way :D :notworthy :blush: )

and did you ever play a fernandes deluxe series guitar? if so, are there big differences between the setup with the sustainer and the setup with the seymour duncan jazz pickup? i mean... of course there are differences ^^ but i mean the sound at all... without sustainer and stuff...

you would make me a happy man if you share your experiences with these guitars with me :)
i only played the elite series and i own both a ravelle and a monterey. cant recommend either over the other. both are good for yer needs... try em out! one thing's for sure - you're gonna love the sustainer, but hey, if yer not happy with the fernandes u should check out this guitar ;)
Blakkheim said:
but hey, if yer not happy with the fernandes u should check out this guitar

i knew you would say that ^^ but thanks anyway :)

dark Exile said:
Musikstorekoeln is a good place to find some killer fernandes models in Germany.They has got many Fernandes guitars in second hand shop.Better and cheaper.

errr... i don't find any fernandes there oO
Did you check out second hand shop?Its in same street with Musikstorekoeln.Actually its in block behind the hard rock cafe cologne.

By the way Mayones guitars are soo expensive because they are hand made.
Also they has got a really funny name. :D
uhm... cologne is miles and miles away from me ;) and i found no fernandes on this site...
Blakkheim said:
i only played the elite series and i own both a ravelle and a monterey. cant recommend either over the other. both are good for yer needs... try em out! one thing's for sure - you're gonna love the sustainer, but hey, if yer not happy with the fernandes u should check out this guitar ;)

I didn't even know the USS BlaKKheim was for sale for the general public
how much does it cost?