Few More Joeys


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Okay. I'll check 'em out. I've e-mailed Joey a couple times this week. He's a really, REALLY nice dude.:)
ThraxDude said:
Okay. I'll check 'em out. I've e-mailed Joey a couple times this week. He's a really, REALLY nice dude.:)

No one can deny that. After the show in Detroit, Joey said to all of the people in the dressing room (almost all of whom he didn't know) "are you hungry? Go make yourself a sandwich."

Now everytime I make myself a sandwich, I think of Joey.
Thanks for the links Johnnie!

The one interview mentioned I'm the Man and Bring the Noise but didn't discuss Lethal recorded with UTFO where Joey actually raps and I think Dan plays some riffs.
spacebeer said:
Just bought the live Island years today...isn;t bad at all actually and the second Belladonna solo disc too, I think it kicks ass!

I listened to the Island Years yesterday actually...yeah, not bad. But Spells Of Fear sucks.
Sgt-D said:
They were good interviews... IMO, I thought that Joey came off as respectful to John, for the most part.

IMO, he came off as way less respectful than John was to him in the interviews :(
I don't know - Joey basically said that if they had kept him in the band, they could have done everything they did with Bush and more. I really don't agree with that. I like Joey, I like John, but you are almost looking at 2 different bands when it came to the records. It wasn't just the singer that changed, it was the music too - which is why they needed a more aggresive singer in the first place. When you are playing stuff like SOWN and S442 and V.8 you don't want falseto everywhere, ya know? If I was Joey, or John, I think I would just keep my opinions to myself about the other.
Yeah I know what you're saying. But I gotta say (again) Anthrax was my favorite band in 1991 with Joey. Anthrax was my favorite band through out the years with John.
If their next album is with Joey, it'll be good. If it's with John, it'll be good.
Anthrax has never let me down.