Few questions yet again.


Unohduksen Lapsi
Oct 14, 2003
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Firstly, are there any more released with the name of Kalmah (or even nonreleased demos and such) than Svieri Obraza, Swamplord, They Will Return and Swampsong? Or even just a little bit different second editions or maybe some one-country special editions or anything?

I´m asking becouse i'd like to get my Kalmah collection perfectly complete. Which gets me to the second question; is the any change to purchase Svieri Obraza anymore? Does any of the band members have a little stock of them somewhere? If so, i'd like to buy one even with over full-cd price! (I am a PayPal user and if you happened to have one for sale, i could buy a longsleeve and pay & receive both at once? I live in Finland)

Thank you for your time and patience. Keep doing the good job!
Kalmah, maybe for the next CD you can package it as a double CD with rare/demo/live tracks on the bonus CD. Kind of like what The Crown did when they released Possessed 13. This could be a way of giving back to the fans. :)
yeah heard that aswell i think it's from the singing... i try to sing aswell although i suck... at it... if u do it a bit too long without a little pause to clear the throat ur throat might hurt and it can even start bleeding... (i had that during my first tries...)
that would be my opinion.... dunno...
TheHeartCollector said:
Kalmah, maybe for the next CD you can package it as a double CD with rare/demo/live tracks on the bonus CD. Kind of like what The Crown did when they released Possessed 13. This could be a way of giving back to the fans. :)

Yes, they could re-release Vezi Doroga from Svieri. That song is actually later become Alteration, but it's still bit different and i like it very much! I think the keyboard into is alot better on Vezi than Alteration.
Oh they are? Sorry about the confusion, the riffs sound similiar to me. I wonder why it didn't got into Swamplord? But there we have even bigger reason to re-release it! Vezi totaly kicks ass! Maybe you could record it again and but it into the new album as a bonus song or something?
yes a bonus cd with rare material would be cool.

Iameman if your throat hurts and even starts to bleed you are usin a wrong technic with your growling.
x3x opeth x2x said:
whats the right technique
It's kind of hard to explain, but you have to try not to use your throat for too much. Use your diaphragm to push air up out of your lungs almost like you're trying tosuppress hiccups, and shape the air into the scream or growl in your mouth. At least that's what I try to do.
A bonus with rarities sounds fucking great i would love if Kalmah did that, and put some live video on it to, but i think its up to the record company if they arte willing to put the extra money in to the record, also what lable is kalmah under is the new album gonna be on century media again?