Few Vintersorg Related Questions.

Apr 8, 2005
Hey guys (and Mr V of course)

I finally managed to find Odenmarkins Son (pathetic I know but its almost impossible in New Zealand), I dont know if all of you know this but currently I'm spending the year in Israel (where I found the cd of course) and I was listening to the cd along with the Otyg Bertagen demo (very awesome) whilst we were doing these amazing hikes through the country. I could somewhat feel the nature themes even though it was in Swedish and it felt just amazing.

So first question related to that.

As I said earlier I could really feel this must be the type of place that inspires him to write music and I was wondering if you have ever felt the same inspiration personally and where do you or Mr V find your personal inspiration?

Worded kinda badly but you get what I mean!

Last 2 questions!

A) Could you recommend me some more really good atmospheric folk music (metal or otherwise but preferably swedish).

B) To Mr V personally, how possible would it be for me to get you to answer a few questions I could send you for mine and a friends website? (I would try make it short and without too many boring questions that you've been asked before I promise :D).

Few pics of my trip





More if requested.
where do you or Mr V find your personal inspiration?
Rumour has it he moved out to a little cabin in the middle of the woods for a few weeks, and returned with the material for Ödemarkens son. :)

A) Could you recommend me some more really good atmospheric folk music (metal or otherwise but preferably swedish).
Here are some bands you should check out.

Otyg. The other demos and the full albums.

Fejd. Folk metal with much folk and just a hint of metal. Might be just what you're looking for. Amazing music, and all free too!

Garmarna. Non-metal band that mixes folk music with different stuff, with a nice result if you ask me. :)

Hedningarna. Pretty odd folk band. Has some metal influenses. Well worth a listen.
Why is Fejd so often labled as folk metal? i cannot find anything but pure folk with sometimes (!) some chords on an electric guitar...

I'd recommend Tenhi and Ainulindale as well as the "Kveldssanger" album by Ulver. None of them are Swedish but it's Neo Folk.
rammpeth said:
which one are you?

Do you mean which person am I? I'm not in any of those photos I think.
This is me a few weeks ago (trying to grow my hair long),taking ages and my fringe is annoying me but its dodgy getting haircuts in Israel so I'll just leave it.

Heh, first I thought your shirt said perkele. :)
Thidrek said:
Why is Fejd so often labled as folk metal? i cannot find anything but pure folk with sometimes (!) some chords on an electric guitar...
I thought it was because of the electric bass and the drums. And from their own definition of themselves "the weight of heavy metal in symbiosis with the typical melodic language and sadness of the nordic folk music". But as pointed out in another thread, I'm illiterate when it comes to defining music styles. :)
Yeah I definitely don't think Fejd is "metal" at all, but they're awesome, I recommend them to anyone who likes Otyg. Both of the Rimmerfors brothers are insane (in a good way heh) and remind me of Daniel Fredriksson.. Perhaps because of Pettersson & Fredriksson heh.
Thiedriek you're great first one I hear that listens to Ainulindale, that guy revivals Ulver and Empyrium spirit, only the vocal should improve (both vocally and quality, I can hear he talks in a mic.)
checl naervaer, they are norwegian... really great folk music, and it has some members from in the woods, green carnation, ..
Mantis said:
Thiedriek you're great first one I hear that listens to Ainulindale, that guy revivals Ulver and Empyrium spirit, only the vocal should improve (both vocally and quality, I can hear he talks in a mic.)

I only know the 2 songs I downloaded for free on www.trollmusic.net to be honest... But they are just great! I always wanted to order but I still haven't done it, yet...
If you like Empyrium acoustic stuff and Ulver's Kveldssanger you must have it, I personally love acoustic music with folkloric themes, and Ainulindale deserves its cd to be bought, as I said only vocals have to improve, then you'll let me know if you think the same when you'll have it :)
Everyone here should check out Tenhi... the absolute greatest band in the world (besides Colour Haze, but that's an entirely different story).
Ah here we go from better to "betterer" :) ja Tenhi is the greatest acoustic/atmospheric band to date nowdays, their last album is a masterpiece of art, love it!