Fields of the Nephilim... like 'em?


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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Another pointless thread, I know, but that's okay.
I think that all Anathema fans should like FOTM. There are so many parallels.
FOTM are the best Goth Band That Isn't Actually A Goth Band. I'd go so far as to say that they're one the most important rock bands of the last 20 years. Certainly the most underrated! Well, aside from Trixter. :loco:
Do you know the status of their alleged reunion? Last I heard, after Jungle put out the album that wasn't really a new release, Mr. McCoy had gone back underground. I hope he surfaces again one day... :erk:
yeah they have some good stuff alright, the watchmen, last exit... bit noncey lat times, like all goff.

the dvd is a bargain, all the promos and two live videos good quality footage too
elizium is really good. the older stuff i don't like that much and i've heard nothing of their new work.
A fine band indeed, haven't heard many of their stuff though, but there's one particular song spinning around in me head, it's called "chord of souls" :)
Sorry though, but i can't seem to find any possible relation between this purely gothic band and Anathema
