Final Fantasy 13.

Dayum! The Barthandulus boss battle in Chapter 9 is indeed fucking hard, or maybe i'm just using the wrong strategy. I almost got him yesterday, but then he got me before i could go back to full health again. They can shoot the guy coughing up the idea that when your 'leader' dies the game is over instead of your whole party.
Chapter 9 = GAY!

Ok, to clear things up, yes there ARE some disadvantages to the xb360 version:
Compresses audio/video, runs some scenes at 720 upscaled, and has some blurring issues. Reason being, it's a port. There was no chance sony Jap was going to let one of its most well known games do well on the 360... That and you'd probably need 6 DVD's to do the game justice on XB, and I can only imagine the backlash there..

All in all, I'm liking the game, I don't resonate well with the character, but once you get over that 23 hour hump... the game get's insanely better!

So overall, 7 - 8/10 the story let's it down, which for FF is a big no no
I put 38 hours into this game. I got to the boss at the end of Chapter 12 and came to the sad realization that I haven't really enjoyed the gameplay at all. The graphics draw you in and mesmerize you, but the gameplay is more like having a tedious job than an overwhelmingly awesome adventure.

It's definitely an interesting twist on the franchise, don't get me wrong. However, the game is nothing but cinematics and battles using a very limited battle system: no character switching; main character gets knocked down and it's game over; you pretty much just press A (or X if you're PS3) the whole time, unless you choose slow battle system which is agonizing. The biggest thing is you can't do anything to control the other party members beyond changing their roles. Half the time they'll be doing something completely useless while you're getting your face smashed in by a 30 foot tall wolf-beast. I got to the point where you could do sidequests (which is about 22-30 hours in depending on how you play) and they consisted of talking to floating rocks and killing marks. Definitely fun, but after about 10 of them it's not really rewarding enough (in real life or in the game) to make up for the day's worth of linear gameplay you just spent.

I don't know what they were thinking when they decided to have absolutely no towns. It's essentially a 60+ hour dungeon crawler, which isn't what makes Final Fantasy the bustiest babe on the block. If you want a decent new age Square-Enix RPG get the newest Star Ocean. I'd suggest waiting until this game is $30 used and picking it up if you're going to buy it. At this point I'm selling it asap so I can recoop some of the $68 I spent on this.

Fair enough! It seems they pumped so much into the graphic engine, the story and game fell apart..

Well there's always Uncharted :)
using a very limited battle system: no character switching; main character gets knocked down and it's game over; you pretty much just press A (or X if you're PS3) the whole time, unless you choose slow battle system which is agonizing. The biggest thing is you can't do anything to control the other party members beyond changing their roles.

Actually, I agree. At first I was stoked on a new battle system, but now I'm sort of like "well fucking fuck" at the fact that you can't chose the party leader, or control what the other dummies are doing. :mad: