Hold on i got one
Viking metal is for people from like Sweden, Finland, Norway.. not fuckin Saskatoon Canada or New-York
Looks like you don't have much idea about those matters, either.Fuckin hippies don't even know about their own culture/history
What country are you from btw? Your use of certain terms makes you seem very ignorant about certain cultures
.I'm not racist if you're wondering. I was raised with a black cousin.
Ah, however, I bit her when I was 3 cause I thought she was made of chocolate (true story).
There's the whole historical drama thing with racism that is purely disgusting (talking about slavery/how the devellopement in society and general acceptance took centuries and crippled the social dynamics hence creating clusters of people and then ghettos).
But also, we're in 2014. That "it stole my bike" is just a stupid wink at a stupid generalisation but it's funny nonetheless because of other elements: Ramsay's face is priceless and the "food burning turning black" is hilarious. I took the picture off facevook and I remember the comment of a dim-skinned dude saying "I'm black but I pissed my pants laughin when I saw that joke". That's kind of the moment when I thought "hey let's post it at Sneaps and see the reactions".
Now I'll tell you something. I don't like everybody but I judge person by person. I don't really like people from Haiti but do like those from Africa.
I don't know where you're from but as pitch black as they can be (which I don't care about - it's just some fuking skin), the mentality is very differant from a place to another.
I just struggle with haiti because they immediatly play the racist card before you even open your mouth as opposed to african ones who just chill out.
Also, a majority of the black population hates white people.
But still, and I don't care what you think, I hate those fuckers who just reinforce stereotypes by playing by the stereotype: steal a bike, BECOME A RAPPER and just pretend to be Tupac, etc... Get your own fucking identity.
^You're into metal dude, I applaud that, you're differant, you're interesting. I would bother to have such conversations with you and expand.
With a tipical thug: I'd be like "go fuck yourself nigga".
What a bunch of faggots. I'll have to create an account to troll of gearslutz because you guys are oversensitive serious metal hipsters.
Oh and yeah, what the Vikings did to the UK ummm... they killed christians. But what did they christians do, they shat pink candy-smelling turds ?
I'm not intolerant, I tolerate it, I'm just saying, you damn cunt
Evilfuckdolls : pointless but sexy.
I keep seeing bands who call themselves Viking Metal and talk about pagan shit, but it has nothing to do with their own history/culture/... pot smokers talking about Odin because they first heard of him in Final Fantasy or Amon Amarth, then wear kilts and drink Pabst beer. What the fuck
What the point of being someone you're not ? I don't know if this phenomena is happening were you guys are but here it's more and more comon. Fuckin hippies don't even know about their own culture/history. A bunch is Irish descendent, wear kilts during shows but don't even drink whisky ? What's the point
They're kind of like those "Goth" bitches who don't know anything but like to look like evil fuckdolls.
hahah anyway
It's starting to get on my nerves.
I really wonder where the lack of originality comes from (with any style)
So yes, I think that many ethnical communities hate white people... so what ?
OH so you think I'm wrong ? okay . . .
You guys really never get any point. NO NOT REAL VIKINGSUpset about Viking metal bands that are not really Vikings... in real life...? Really?
and of course it has to derail because of a few douches, the usual little click around here.