Final Product - Guitar lick, how to play it?

Yes, I am quite aware.

The following was a pretentious statement, by the very definition you posted:
"What a shock when someone asks a technical guitar question all the regular posters are fucking silent .
Where's azal and bozarth and the penguin now."

And I'd like you to know, that ever since I started listening to Manowar, my needle dick has mutated into a large sentient lifeform.
Kerry King said that?

Exactly my point :lol:

1- Marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction
2- Ostentatious; intended to impress others
3- Demanding of skill or daring

How does my comment fit any of these definitions

I never claimed to be of great importance or distinction
I never was trying to impress others
Certainly not demanding of skill or daring to post on a forum .
Also, better definitions for the word 'Pretentious' would be:

1. Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.
2. Making or marked by an extravagant outward show;
What a shock when someone asks a technical guitar question all the regular posters are fucking silent .:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Where's azal and bozarth and the penguin now.:lol:

it's not a technical question. besides, it's been posted before... i just didnt necessarily feel like answering it.

and yes, that first part is picking. it took me a bit to get used to that string skip, but with enough practice, you'll nail it
edit: nah

Let me fix your edit for you .here it is

will bozarth said:
hangtime, you do realize that the only reason you are still here is because I am
still amused by your posts, right? I've had a number of people complain about
you. your plug can be pulled quite easily. I suggest you develop an ordinary
working cell structure in your brain and stop being a stupid cocksucker.

Is that a threat to ban me :waah: .That is soooo weak Will.
banned for doing the same exact thing that a lot of other members are doing ,name calling is one of your favorite things to do based on the stupid cocksucker part of your comment and what about shitting on people too every fucking comment is someone shitting on someone else .

Come back to me when I've broken some rules :lol: and nice try on the edit but it was in my e-mail already
besides, as i said: i'm amused by you. other people are complaining to me, and since i'm a mod, it's my job to do what i can. so, chill out a little bit. the difference between your posts and everyone else's posts is that your insults arent as amusing