TGE Rocks, and a quetion regarding the video to "Final Product"


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Greetings to all. I got "This Godless Endeavor" on Monday July 25 and finally got the remixed/remastered edition of "Enemies Of Reality" on the same day. What a coincidence. First off, I can't believe how great the remastered EOR is. You can actually here all the instruments and vocals clearly and not muffled or muddy. As for TGE, it is brilliant. Favorite tracks include: Born, Final Product, Psalm of Lydia, Medicated Nation, My Acid Words. I like them all, but these are my faves. Also noticed in "Future Uncertain" the mentioning of "A WORLD UNBORN" and "Seed Awakening". I'll post my in depth review and analysis of TGE later.

In closing, where can I view the video for Final Product? I tried from and other links but had no success. Has the video been on Headbanger's Ball, Metal Asylum, or Uranium? Any and all info is apreciated.
Warrel, In the video @ 1:42, 1:48, 1:57 and 2:03 min. , stones are shown.
Dug up and shown by the old man and also shown in both your hands.
Could be just ordinairy rocks but are those Boji's or Moqui's?

These are Moqui's:

petrified nipples?

Haha, no. They do look like tits, i got to admit that but actually, it's an iron Oolithe.
Hematite and Limonite oxide spheres which mostly contain inside some hardened sand and were formed during heavy vulcano activity. The Indians call them Moqui and it means 'precious loved one'. Moqui's are harvested instead of mined, because they come to the surface by itself. Moqui's are mostly effective when you work with a pair. The round one with the little nipple on it (right), is feminine and has a left turning energy. The other one, with the big nipple on it, is actually ufo shaped. That's the male moqui and has a right turning energy.
I use them for chakra massage therapy, to activate, align and ground the chakra's. I can tell you much more about these wonderfull stones but i don't want to 'overkill' you with my endless fascination for crystals and stones.

Coprolites, no doubt.

Fossiled poo! :grin:
Good try but no, they're not Coprolites.

looks like a couple big balls of delicious hash! i know what you Duchies are up to!!

Haha, no. They do look like tits, i got to admit that but actually, it's an iron Oolithe.
Hematite and Limonite oxide spheres which mostly contain inside some hardened sand and were formed during heavy vulcano activity. The Indians call them Moqui and it means 'precious loved one'. Moqui's are harvested instead of mined, because they come to the surface by itself. Moqui's are mostly effective when you work with a pair. The round one with the little nipple on it (right), is feminine and has a left turning energy. The other one, with the big nipple on it, is actually ufo shaped. That's the male moqui and has a right turning energy.
I use them for chakra massage therapy, to activate, align and ground the chakra's. I can tell you much more about these wonderfull stones but i don't want to 'overkill' you with my endless fascination for crystals and stones.

where did you get them?
where did you get them?

From my u.s.a. dealer! :Smokin:

Story is, that i got called by 1 'single' female moqui on ebay and pairs that were offered didn't do it to me. Therefor i decided to write the dealer an e-mail and send him on a mission, to find a 'partner' for the single moqui. He asked me about my intentions and my date of birth.
With that information he made his 'pick'. He picked the male personally for me and it appeared to be a good match because i was immediately content with it. I ordered it with a piece of Eldarite and an elestial generator Quartz, both from Madagascar.
From my u.s.a. dealer! :Smokin:

Story is, that i got called by 1 'single' female moqui on ebay and pairs that were offered didn't do it to me. Therefor i decided to write the dealer an e-mail and send him on a mission, to find a 'partner' for the single moqui. He asked me about my intentions and my date of birth.
With that information he made his 'pick'. He picked the male personally for me and it appeared to be a good match because i was immediately content with it. I ordered it with a piece of Eldarite and an elestial generator Quartz, both from Madagascar.

thanks for the info.