Finally Heard Blackwater Park

Don't get me wrong, I do like BWP, but I feel it could've been so much better. That and Deliverance, to me, were done the wrong way. I love Steven Wilson and Porcupine Tree, but Wilson was way too involved on those records. I wish Wilson only produced Damnation and either Swanö, Nordström or Bogren produced BWP and/or Deliverance.

LOL, funilly I think wilson was what made bwp from silver to gold. I mean, damn. He's great with Opeth.
sorry man I guess I read that wrong. Anyway today I purchased StillLife. Its pretty good but nothing like BWP.

I got BWP first then Still Life second, at first I still preferred BWP, but I think now Still Life has shown itself to be the better album over time, it just maybe takes more time to grow on you - it's definitely the most intricate thing they've done. They're both great albums though.
I had Still Life first and BWP second and thought Still Life was better and still do, but honestly when I first heard them through a friend I didn't think much, but I borrowed the album gave it a go and ended up loving them, damn that was about 6 years ago now
I'm sorry to say this but you listened to their worst record!!! It's a good release, but by far their worst (in my opinion). That is the only Opeth album I wish I could have produced! I'd have done a lot of different things with that record. First, take Dirge for November off the album and replace it with Still Day and Patterns II for the standard release. Second, I'd shorten the first interlude on BWP. That goes on way too long. Third, shorten The Drapery Falls, great song, (you won't hear me say this often) but way too long. Fourth, add some content into Harvest; good song, but somewhat boring. I would leave Lepper Affinity, Bleak and Funeral Portrait alone, those are all amazing songs as is!

Don't get me wrong, I do like BWP, but I feel it could've been so much better. That and Deliverance, to me, were done the wrong way. I love Steven Wilson and Porcupine Tree, but Wilson was way too involved on those records. I wish Wilson only produced Damnation and either Swanö, Nordström or Bogren produced BWP and/or Deliverance.

^ -1 Bitchslap!!

My first taste of Opeth came by way of
"The Drapery Falls" [Edit] on one of those
free CD compilations with a metal mag.

I was very suprised when I first heard
the full version, imagine hearing Mike's
awesome clean vocals and then unexpectly
hearing his Growls, f'in awesome once I had
aclimatized :D
dirge for november is one of my most fave songs, i do agree that bwp is one of their best/better produced albums. i know SW was called in in the middle of the D&D albums, but did he work on bwp from the get-go? i mean, i can totally tell that they had a little more time to work on bwp than deliverance/damnation. the band may dislike deliverance (album) but i still think it's a great one, some of their best work imo, i just feel that bwp park had better post-production or whatever, i dont' know anything about any of that, i just wanted to voice my opinion.
I can remember picking this album up 7 years ago when i was only 15. Completely blew me away. They pretty much became my favorite band from that point on.

Mendez's drumwork??:erk:

Anyhoo, BWP is a fantastic album, and I don't see where the boredom comes into play. Many people say it's their most "accessable" album, which I disagree. That depends on the listener. For mainstream type folk, it's obviously Damnation. Watershed second (Burden, PH, BoS really). But I think, as a whole, BWP is a great album, and well-made. Steve Wilson's production is awesome.

But as for selling you to it, that's your problem. Like it or skip it. Can't help you there...:Saint:
So, Darkferret i suppose that you've heard Watershed, so they are both new sounds to you. witch one do you prefer?
sorry man I guess I read that wrong. Anyway today I purchased StillLife. Its pretty good but nothing like BWP.

Indeed. Still Life is a work of complex, varied songs with the most crushing riffs, some of their best acoustic melodies, some of their best lyrics, it has everything that makes Opeth a standout band. It has "The Moor", "Godhead's Lament", "Serenity Painted Death" and "White Cluster" which I all rank among the best of their songs, goddammit this album is good. In fact it is so good you should listen to it a few more times ;) I'm still not tired of it, nine years after purchase.

Mendez's drumwork??:erk:

If you read on you'll see I admitted to writing the wrong Latino name. Come on, why bother with that. Shit.
i find it really hard to believe that you dont like bwp.. hmm do you dislike bleak?
BWP is a tough one for me. On the one hand I like most of the songs a lot - Harvest is one of my favourites, as are Bleak, Dirge and Drapery. But at the same time it's never gonna be in my top three Opeth albums.

It's kinda like Deliverance to me - both have some GREAT songs, but as a whole package I just can't enjoy them as much as MAYH, Still Life, or Morningrise (my top three).