Finally - My Opeth Webpage is Complete !

I had to get permission from the record labels to post the sound clips.. I could only use up to 28 secs of a song, otherwise, it might infringe copyright laws. It was hard to choose which 28 secs to use.

As far as lyrics, you can find them on most other opeth pages, and albums & discographys - so I didn't include them.
I think it's great in regards to the layout and design and everything. It's all very well done. Like everyone else said, you just need more content. It's understandable that you didn't put lyrics/discography on the the page because it can be found at other fansites, but you should try and be the BEST fansite out there and to accomplish that you need the trivial stuff (not that anything having to do with Opeth is trivial). And this site definitely has the potential to be great. I'd say work on it in the spare time and try and get all those little things in there. I know it must be hard working it into a schedule that's top priority is your family.
Thanks Guys -

Erunantalon - Thanks for the nice words. I'm sure I will update it eventually. Once an album is released or If I get any "trivial" info... But you people in this forum probably know more trivial stuff than me. I think If I had the time, I could make THE BEST site out there. I'm comfortable with HTML, Flash & Photoshop & thats all you need!

LObster - Yeah, I liked that also, the Deliverance clip is a loop. It was tough to edit the sound clip so that it looped at exactly the right spot, seamless.. I think it turned out pretty good.. not perfect though, if you listen closely, there is a tiny delay...
Mega - I have made my mind up to redesign the whole page.. I want to have the best fan page out there. I will re-design the whole god-damn thing. I will have photos, lyrics, wallpapers, soundclips, interview links, and whatever else I can find.

It will be done entirely in flash. It will not have a pop-up window. It will take me a while (months) to complete.