And all my dreams torn asunder...


Oct 12, 2002
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Alright guys, I guess I feel that I should share this with you. I have been an Opeth fan for almost five years now. I started my love of Opeth when my friend purchased a cd in Germany which was My Arms, your Hearse. Once April Ethereal came on it shattered my perception of music.

Before that point I had only heard American heavy metal bands and alternative music. What I was hearing was simply amazing, it seemed like i found a band finally spoke my emotions and feelings, and had a song for whatever mood I had at the time.

Flash forward 5 years later, within that time alot of things had happened in my life, but Opeth was still there. I had a bad breakup with my girlfriend of two years and other changes in my life. Then we get to more recently...

About two months ago I had found someone. Someone who filled all the gaps that were in my last relationship and I figured I had found the one "again".

I started to show her my interests and actually got her into liking Opeth. She didnt really care for the heavy yelling 95% of the time, but when I showed her Damnation, she loved the album. A month ago I bought tickets for both of us to see the Opeth concert in Portland, Oregon because she was interested in doing something that I would like, and I had asked her if she would like to accompany me there. However now that we are not going out anymore I no longer have a ride to the concert.

I am a college student who lives on campus, I have no car here and no other transportation to a bus service to get me up there. I also don't know anyone down here that also likes Opeth who would come with me (free ticket).

I then called my parents and pleaded that they come down here and pick me up to make a dream come true. Sadly, like always they don't pull through to make any difference in my life.

So today I sit here writting this with a broken heart, not only did I lose my girlfriend, but my chance to see my favorite band of all time... Opeth.
Take the bus or a cab or something, then you can sell the ticket to someone at the venue, or perhaps give it to some hot chick in return for someone to hang out with at the show. :)
oh shit dude...Ya gotta go and see Opeth..Take a bus for crying out loud..I will be taking a bus and staying at a freinds house to see Opeth in NJ..
It will be fun..Sure having the girl with ya would have been better but try to catch Opeth anway..Maybe you'll met some cool fans..-l-
There is no way I am going to go with someone who broke my heart and wants to be "friends" when she used me and escalated the relationship in the first place. To get smashed by her then to call her back and still ask her to go will destroy any pride that is left.

Would you want to go with someone who did all that? There is more I could say about the matter, but its more personal.
and I had asked her if she would like to accompany me there.

I am a college student who lives on campus, I have no car here and

i think this is where you are missing a paragraph or something
sorry about that.

I had asked her if she would like to accompany me there. However now that we are not going out anymore I no longer have a ride to the concert.
God damn, thats the last time I say anything to you people. Sure I could call up a cab or walk about an hour to the bus station and pay $35 more than I would have otherwise (which is what I am going to do to see Opeth) But have a heart damnit.