Dusk, Hammering Moss First Full Length Album Finally Released. NEW WEBSITE: WORKS

Wow. What a great response.

YayoGakk, I'm so glad you listened to the album that way. It's the best way to listen to music.

As you can here, we are still struggling with our instruments, but it adds organics to the music. But everytime, we slowly get a bit better. We still one day hope to produce fantastic music like other members of the board, like Yayogakk, and bands like Thales, Wars Of Winter and more.

This is just the beginning. We have already found a concept for our next work. We are far from finished.

It's fun showing people what we are, and what we get up to.
Thanks to those who took the time to listen. You make it more fun!
As you can here, we are still struggling with our instruments, but it adds organics to the music. But everytime, we slowly get a bit better. We still one day hope to produce fantastic music ...
In all seriousness, if it was actually you who wrote that little intro song then once you get the guitar skills up to scratch i think you'd be able to write some pretty good music. Even the way the voice and drums are done in "Old Man" is pretty good as well, the slight variations in timing between the drums and speaking (makes it even funnier). If the same skills can be applied to proper music then there is definitely potential because you have some of the key ingredients.. originality, progressiveness, oddities, weirdities (the things that make the music interesting), and ability to turn a vision or an idea into something. Obviously the skills i mention are used in completely different ways in these 'songs'm but once you learn enough guitar scales/techniques and have enough different styles that you can play in id think you could pull off some pretty inventive work. But it could be a few years before you get to that stage.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
In all seriousness, if it was actually you who wrote that little intro song then once you get the guitar skills up to scratch i think you'd be able to write some pretty good music. Even the way the voice and drums are done in "Old Man" is pretty good as well, the slight variations in timing between the drums and speaking (makes it even funnier). If the same skills can be applied to proper music then there is definitely potential because you have some of the key ingredients.. originality, progressiveness, oddities, weirdities (the things that make the music interesting), and ability to turn a vision or an idea into something. Obviously the skills i mention are used in completely different ways in these 'songs'm but once you learn enough guitar scales/techniques and have enough different styles that you can play in id think you could pull off some pretty inventive work. But it could be a few years before you get to that stage.

I wrote the intro song, and I have written a lot of music. I've made about 70 minutes of music using Impulse Tracker, which I will one day convert to mp3's and distribute to thiose that are interested. They were made by me about 3 years ago, and I sometimes suprise myself when I here some of the riffs and stuff. It's not terribly serious, it was just me playing around with wav files and what not. I know I have the creativity, and the musical mind. I played piano for 8 years. But I can not master a guitar, I have great difficulty. I pretty much have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to do with the damn thing.

But like in the track Shut Up fiona, where I play guitar, that's the kinda stuff I can make up on guitar at the moment, so obviously I have a long long way to go. But I have to guitars, a great microfone, a friends amp, a friends pedal, so all I need is motivation. My poor teacher struggles with me, and I never have time to practice. it is frustrating. But I'll get there. one day.

We'll all get there. Andrew is a bassist, and chris plays guitar too, and we all love opeth, so something WILL happen eventually. We just have to get good at our instruments. And for me, it's a daunting task.
Just upload the .it files, because they work in winamp, and are MUCH smaller than MP3's.

The IT album is a masterpiece, to everyone who hasn't heard it (everyone).
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
Also, How long have you been playing guitar. And how was it when you started, how difficult, and how did you persevere?
Oh ive been playing for over 10 years now. At first i sucked, so much so that after a year i could barely play a chord, so i gave up and played piano for a year. Then a year later dad started learning how to play so i figured id try again, this time was much easier and havent looked back since.

But thats really no help to you because learning as a young child is completely different to learning as an adult.

But the best advice i can give is to just stick with it, and dont expect major rewards till much later. Over the years ive learnt some fucking hard techniques pretty quickly by literally playing the technique for about 5 hrs straight, and i know how to learn and how to teach myself so that helps.. its hard and its not fun, but when you realise that you can play the technique with ease a few weeks later its all worth it. If you want to be good, well youve gotta be prepared to put the effort in, and be prepared to have little reward.

Learning guitar is such a slow process, and it takes a long time to appreciate any abilities you develop. Most guitarists, including myself, still think they are shit... in a year or two youll be 10 times as good as you are now and you may look forward to that with excitement, but once you get there you wont realise it... youll just be playing and thinking your still shit. So yeh, be prepared to put in the effort, but dont give up when you think its going slowly or your achieving nothing because you are, you just wont realise it for a long time.

Its things like comparing yourself to your idols (and suddenly releasing you can play all those things you used to think were amazing), or listening to how you used to play things, that make you realise where youve come. I mean you dont look back and think "fuck im good now", you look back and think "fuck i was soo shit then".. its just the way it is. So yeh, just be aware that your rewards for your effort are delayed by a few years, but once you get there youll be very thankful you persisted (so live for that moment!).

Having said that it doesnt take long to get to a stage where you can start writing music that you really like, it wont be anything technical and you wont wanna show it to anyone, but such things are enough to make you realise your efforts are achieving something.

wow i rambled didnt i
Rambling is good. Thank you.

Now.. the following people will now proceed to listen to Hammering Moss: (Unless you have already)

Mikael Akerfeldt.

Please proceed to your nearest Official Hammering Moss website.

Also, if you are not listed, also you must proceed to the nearest Official Hammering Moss Website.

Or you will be hit by a nekobus.

I think penguin is the best song i have ever heard. Pasta is also very unique! Excellent vocal stylings. I must say it is almost as good as "The Race", which is my musical legacy. If someone would like to hear it lemme know, i just may reveal it again.
YaYoGakk, rambling is very good. In fact, you have inspired me to start playing again. I got a guitar about a year ago, tried to learn the basics, got aggrivated, and gave up. I have been thinking about starting back trying to learn, but I just get bored playing the same notes over and over. I keep telling myself that I'll probably pick up the guitar again soon because I love music so much and would like to know how to play, ya know?

Kush(and Hammering Moss), I downloaded all of the tracks and put them in the correct order. My initial reaction was 'wtf' (no pun intended). I will have to listen to it a few more times as I have only listened once and not at full volume because I don't want to wake up my brother. I really liked the intro. "When A Man Loves A Woman... (Beachball Mix)" scared the hell out of me. :p I really liked the guitarwork in "Shut Up Fiona". "Dog Abuse" was hilarious. "Guitar Weerw" was a perfect way to end this masterpiece.

All that I can tell you guys is to keep writing and playing music. There is definitely serious potential to make (even) great(er) music. Just don't give up...

I am going to download the earlier stuff pretty soon to hear the early genius of Hammering Moss. Kush, have you posted a link to this .it files yet? I need to check the main page to see because I would like to hear that as well. Keep it up! :grin:
YaYoGakk, rambling is very good. In fact, you have inspired me to start playing again. I got a guitar about a year ago, tried to learn the basics, got aggrivated, and gave up. I have been thinking about starting back trying to learn, but I just get bored playing the same notes over and over. I keep telling myself that I'll probably pick up the guitar again soon because I love music so much and would like to know how to play, ya know?
Go for it. Pick up the guitar when you least feel like playing the thing. Get into a mindset where you will allow yourself to do something completely boring simply because you know itll bring rewards in the long run. The hardest part is the first year or two, once you can get the basics working easily you will enjoy practicing.. but you have to get past that stage where it takes 5 minutes to play a scale or a chord, because that isnt fun... but it has to be done.

I go to bed now, glad that i rambled! Hope your guitaring proves enjoyable in your future!
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
Now.. the following people will now proceed to listen to Hammering Moss: (Unless you have already)

Mikael Akerfeldt.

I just read this thread. I am at work right now. I will absolutely download the entire album and have a listen when I get home - and I will report back to you in a few days.

Thank-goodness I have broadband internet!! And a GREAT sound system on my computer!!
Thank you Opethian Soul, I hope you enjoy our older stuff. However, tread carefully around the pleng collection, but play it loud.

Thanks Metalman. I'd like to get opinions of as many people as possible. And I wanted you to listen to it, because i think you will probably find the music hard to enjoy, and not funny at all. Dunno, I look forward to seeing what you think.
Experimental sound artists - that's what I call you. I can't compare you to "music" as I know it - because I don't think that's what you're striving for in the typical sense.

Weird, strange, odd : but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Of course I was thinking it was going to be standard music - but that changed within seconds - so I changed how I listened.

You are like the Frankenstein of music - and that's a compliment.

I love When A Man Loves A Women - just a cool beat
Bird & Cat - I wanted a little more
Shut Up Fiona - I liked the guitar over the voice, and the shhh @ 1:06
Guitar Weerw - actually, it would be a great intro into a longer song

Keep it up - I'm kind of relieved at what I heard. I had a cousin in a band - I didn't like it because it sounded like he was trying to be like everybody else. You are not scared of being different - of experimenting. True artistry.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Experimental sound artists - that's what I call you. I can't compare you to "music" as I know it - because I don't think that's what you're striving for in the typical sense.

Weird, strange, odd : but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Of course I was thinking it was going to be standard music - but that changed within seconds - so I changed how I listened.

You are like the Frankenstein of music - and that's a compliment.

I love When A Man Loves A Women - just a cool beat
Bird & Cat - I wanted a little more
Shut Up Fiona - I liked the guitar over the voice, and the shhh @ 1:06
Guitar Weerw - actually, it would be a great intro into a longer song

Keep it up - I'm kind of relieved at what I heard. I had a cousin in a band - I didn't like it because it sounded like he was trying to be like everybody else. You are not scared of being different - of experimenting. True artistry.



We are actually striving to become more musical, and there is a trend as you go through some of our older music, and as we slowly get better with iunstruments, we will be able to play more standard music, or metal, though, our trademark weirdness will never be lost I think. =)

Seems like Bird & Cat is a crowd favorite. Never would have predicted that. =)