finally put my new Slate Drums 1.5 in action...

no, actually only one other guy said anything about being "muffled"... and the more i sit on it the more i think it's not really... just a tad upper mid bump in the mastering and it'll be right where it needs to me. the separation though, can't even come close to agreeing with you there... across the board the comment i get from everyone i play this for is regarding how good the separation is, and that you can hear literally everything... which is a hallmark of my mixes if i don't say so myself.

On listening again (at a decent volume!), I think it's just the guitars that need a little boost in the high mid/presence area.
the flamming in the chorus bothers me and i've been slicing up the OH's and trying to shift them around so as to realign them with the snare... can't do the opposite, as the snare is on time... but it just causes a clusterfuk.... going to likely replace the cymbals altogether in the chorus.

ok.... the rhythm guitars were re-amped through my Madison Divinity... then again through the krankenstein to add in a bit of "presence", but the krank is quite low in the mix... the meat of the sound you're hearing is the Divinity.
I thought it all sounded great.

I know someone made a dryness comment, I kinda felt the kick and snare could have more ambience to blend in the song more as they seemed to kinda sit on their own in the mix but thats through cheap headphones at work.

Sounds radio ready to me.

Im sure the final version will sound awesome.

James, have you got to compare the old Divinity vs. the new model?

I was never quite pleased with my old model for lead playing.
Cobhc, I'm the other "muffled" guy...As James said the song is not mastered so it's not definitive. I think the guitars are very little bassy / high in the mix and sometime they cover a bit the other things, but it's a good song/mix. Anyway it's a personal taste :)
James, My speakers are just fine as is my monitoring environment, i checked your mix with NS10m, Genelec 1031a and Wall mounted Boxer T5s. So i know that my references are correct. I can't understand why you get so wound up about a comments. Mixes are completely subjective and if you don't realise that you shouldn't be mixing 'professionally' for a living. Besides i thought the point of this thread was for amateurs to get advice and oppinion so they can improve, that is exactly what i'm doing for you.

I've listen again and i'm not too sure about your hihat sound either, i feel that it has a nasty spike at 3.6Khz and also could do with a little more sizzle, so adding a bit more 10Khz would help.

I am Very Metal
no, i've only ever had the new one... i've used it for lead re-amping quite a bit already and really like it.

Regardless the Divinity is a great Metal Amp.

I always loved the 5150, but they never got quite as loud as I wanted before turning to mush when your in a non mic'd gig or rehearsal.

Mesa's were always too muddy.

Marshall's were always to brite and hallow.

Not since the 5150 did I feel that I had another solid amp as when I got the Madison Divinity. I would actually say it sounds like a Hybrid of a Mesa Recto and a Marshall. I just wish it had the saturation/sustain of a Peavey head.

And for the price, its so worth checking out.
i thought the point of this thread was for amateurs to get advice and oppinion so they can improve, that is exactly what i'm doing for you.
not an amateur, been a working engineer and producer with many album credits for the past 12 years minus two that i was ill. and i have no problem with opinion that is expressed as opinion. opinions i duly note, but the barely masked condescension in your posts puts me right off, especially since you clearly are representing as a pro, offering advice to an "amateur" like me... anonymously, no less. drop the anonymity, the condescending tone, and the tendency to express your opinions as facts and i'll listen.
Sounds great James.
Anyway you should post your clips on the main section, because we know that your stuff is not a "rate my mix" thread it's a way, as you said other times, to promote the band.
I think this way people can't complain about the mix, of course if they respect the rules of the forum.
Yes i am aware of work James and your history but i am only giving your my opinion, i wasn't accusing you of being an amateur you really shouldn't jump on the defensive all the time. Anyway i think i have said what i need to, you are aware of the problems with your mix and i guess you are addressing the problems as we speak.

Out of interest do you mix in the box? Using a proper analogue console would give you the bottom end you are searching for, as mentioned in my earlier post.

I am very metal
Rate my mix/tones?

and James didn't ask for you to join in our discussion, your welcome to by me but it really is the kettle calling the pot black

I Am Very Metal
Using a proper analogue console would give you the bottom end you are searching for, as mentioned in my earlier post.

I am very metal
tell that to Andy, doesn't use an analogue console the same as many, many of the top mixers who's work we all enjoy. and i'm not looking for or needing anymore bottom, nor has any of the discussion been about the bottom end. you're just taking the piss now.

the point of me using the "rate my mix/tones" subforum is simply that i feel it's the most appropriate place to post my mixes for people to check out... but i do welcome opinions.. i may or may not agree, but i welcome them.. you were just condescending.
Kick Drum, Bass Guitar, these both contain LF which i mentioned was light in my first post. Maybe you should check your speakers, it might be giving you a deceptive low end, i already mentioned my monitors, so i know what i'm listening to is true. It could be your monitoring environment, standing waves emphasising frequencies, room nodes etc. Is you room 'tuned' perhaps that is the problem.

I am not taking the piss James either, this isn't personal, its objective listing.