finally put my new Slate Drums 1.5 in action...

Kick Drum, Bass Guitar, these both contain LF which i mentioned was light in my first post. Maybe you should check your speakers, it might be giving you a deceptive low end, i already mentioned my monitors, so i know what i'm listening to is true. It could be your monitoring environment, standing waves emphasising frequencies, room nodes etc. Is you room 'tuned' perhaps that is the problem.

I am not taking the piss James either, this isn't personal, its objective listing.
my room is fine, i'm very familiar with it, it's treated appropriately... it's not "world class" but it's decent and i know it.... and i'm monitoring with my Genelec 8050A's and yamaha HSM50's.. and i switch my Genelec 7070A sub in and out to check the lows.. AND i'm A/Bing with top notch rock mixes.. like Breaking Benjamin's "The Diary Of Jane", a track mixed by Chris Lord-Alge off their "Phobia" CD.... try doing the same and then tell me i don't have enough low end.

it's beyond me how you can come in here and talk down to me and then behave as though i'm just jumping on the defensive. do you realize how condescending it is to point out to someone that been's working as an engineer for 10 years that LF's are in Kicks and Bass?? I think you don't. but hey.... let's hear your mixes boss.

fuck, i hate this shit. it's like you're making an effort to work me up.... and it's partially working and i hate that... it's not how things roll here.
The problem, i've found with A/Bing is the same problems with the room apply to both your own mixes and the what ever you A/Bing too. Obviously, if something is chronically wrong with the room the you will know without the A/B but its the subtle imbalances that are the real problem.
I know chris lord-alge's work and his brothers, as they are highly re veered specialist mix engineers, are you comparing the quality of you mix to his? Or are you suggesting if you A/B to something 'pro' then you will get pro results

I still can't understand why your being so aggressive, i've asked questions and made suggestions that's it, i haven't talked down to you, i've treat like an equal and have even complimented your guitar tones. So calm down.
do you realize how condescending it is to point out to someone that been's working as an engineer for 10 years that LF's are in Kicks and Bass? or how "room nodes" work? I think you don't. i'm well aware of the inherent problems with A/Bing so your statements regarding that are even more "down your nose" talking. i very... VERY clearly was talking about comparing the weight of the low end in the mixes.... the way you lept to "are you comparing the quality of your mix to his? Or are you suggesting if you A/B to something 'pro' then you will get pro results" is just ridiculous and are examples of exactly what it is that's irritating me here.

whether you want to face it or not, you have popped in here this month, into a forum i've been contributing to and interacting with for 5 years and have immediately began posting in a very condescending fashion, and anonymously at that (normally referred to as trolling). then you behave as though you've done nothing wrong and i'm a bad guy for pointing that out. others offered critiques, and i accepted them for what they are worth... and actually agree with some of them to one degree or the other... any value your "critiques" may have had for me, unwanted as they were, are completely overshadowed by the passive-aggressive "down your nose" delivery. i don't seem to be in an argument with anyone else.... why only you? am i picking on you?
Well, I don't need to tell you, James, how good it sounds, but it's awesome. Balance is aces, punch and character is vibin', and this level of quality is something most of us still have pipe dreams about.

I'd say don't get in the mud with metal homeboy over there. Just say "cool, bro" and don't waste the mental thought for a retort or the finger energy to type it. You know you're a badass, we know you're a badass, so fuck that guy. Let him post his awe-inspiring mixes that he MUST have if he can talk from that perch.

The mix sounds fine to me. VeryMetal, you say you are aware of James' work and such, I really don't think you do. If you did you probably wouldn't have mentioned anything about...actually, anything. I have to agree with James, you are coming off as condescending. We've heard a lot of James' mixes and I'm sure we'd all agree that he knows what he is doing over there. However, we've never heard a mix done by you...yet you seem to talk as though you're pretty good, good enough to tell a working professional what is "wrong" with his mix.

Until you have shown a mix around here that even remotely justifies your attitude or reasoning behind anything you've said in this thread we should all be inclined to believe you're simply full of shit and pretty much anything you say should be taken with a grain of salt, so to speak.

But hey, that's just my opinion.

James your obviously wound up, i'm sorry if you've taken offence, or felt that i have been condesending. With ten years experience in the industry i would have thought you would have been experienced enough to have your work critiqued, take from it and improve then disregard what you disagree with without being angered. You seem to take kindly to compliment, in fact some might argue that you relish in it perhaps that is the reason you post your mixes. So i'll stop advising you in what i think and just tell you how great i think it sounds but then how will you know if what i am saying is true? How will you improve?
I still believe i have done nothing wrong and you have taken things personally, and the fact that your bringing up how long you've used this forum bears no regard to my opinions. If you had been on this forum for only a week i would have commented in exactly the same manner.
no VM, you still don't get it.... and if you review the thread you'll see that i didn't respond much to praise though i did say thanks and that some of the critiques had been helpful... so again, you just write the most provocative thing you can. .. and how will i improve?? not going to dignify that one with an answer, as it's yet another condescension. i mostly post my mixes with full confidence that they are fine and in order to expose the band. in this case i posted a not quite finished mix to demonstrate my use of Slate samples... and said so clearly. nevertheless, i'm not the only one to notice your lofty delivery.. one or two guys have mentioned it here in the thread and a few more to me via PM's and IMs.... see, i post my identity and several methods to contact me. i ask for, and make changes sometimes based on, critiques from many here on this forum, via IM, prior to posting. but i know all of them and have heard their work. i'll bear your opinions in higher regard when you develop the ability to deliver them in a less patronizing fashion and post some of your own work.
Verymetal, at this point it should be pretty clear how you have come across in this thread.

Its like your telling Steve Vai that he should look into learning Scales to help improve his guitar playing. Or that A is 440Hz.

If that doesnt make sense.

Maybe is a better place to be. :rolleyes:
Personally I'm more partial to Jessica Biel, the connection being that I always used to confuse the two
Verymetal is heading towards Far Beyond Dill Weed status.

I am Very Kazrog

I am Kazrog, Lord of the Algae in your stagnant swimming pools!

I am so Kazrog, if there were two Kazrogs, I would be both!
The mix sounds fine to me. VeryMetal, you say you are aware of James' work and such, I really don't think you do. If you did you probably wouldn't have mentioned anything about...actually, anything. I have to agree with James, you are coming off as condescending. We've heard a lot of James' mixes and I'm sure we'd all agree that he knows what he is doing over there. However, we've never heard a mix done by you...yet you seem to talk as though you're pretty good, good enough to tell a working professional what is "wrong" with his mix.

Until you have shown a mix around here that even remotely justifies your attitude or reasoning behind anything you've said in this thread we should all be inclined to believe you're simply full of shit and pretty much anything you say should be taken with a grain of salt, so to speak.

But hey, that's just my opinion.


Not seen you on here in a while Mike, welcome back nigga, and +1 on everything you said. :)
If you're really Chris Lord-Alge, then you don't have much ground to stand on saying your "very metal" having worked with the likes of Green Day and Jack's Mannequin...

I am Sancho (I know at least one person here will get that reference!)

Exactly, the only CLA album I would even remotely class as metal is POD's Testify