Finding Nevermore


Jan 11, 2006
I'm so creative. I can make a Finding Neverland... eh nevermind.

On a Nevermore binge today since they were added to Rhapsody music.

Previously I had only listened to Dead Heart in a Dead World. And while I liked a few songs on it, the album just didn't rub me all the right ways. I know for some people its their favorite.

But starting with their self titled I initially realized that I could now call myself a Nevermore fan. Its a great album and imo much better than Dead Heart. Enemies of Reality was good, but not as great as the s/t. I think it just lacked some of the variation. Relistens will surely make me enjoy it more. Now. Dreaming Neon Black. WTF happened to this band? Did we have a different singer or what? Heh. Its friggin awesome. This is my favorite album so far. Its so damn creative and varied. I have to imagine that its partly due to the influence of having 2 amazing guitarists. The writing is excellent, it has great hooks, and Warrell sounds awesome. The songs also have a lot of variation with I think a heavy concentration on riffs and massive volume and tempo changes.

Sadly, This Goddless Endeavour isn't available on here yet. But I'll buy it. And I haven't listened to The Politics of Ecstacy yet. Give me a few.

But now I really hope they come to Atlanta at some point.........
I'm glad to see the band's gained a new fan! I own all of Nevermore's releases and I love every single one for different reasons. I would definitely urge you to check out The Politics of Ecstasy, it's easily one of their best releases (This Godless Endeavor is killer too).

I haven't heard too much of Sanctuary (Warrel and Jim's previous band) but their releases may also be worth a listen. :kickass:
Sanctuary :headbang:

Politics of Ecstacy :headbang: :headbang:
Dreaming Neon Black :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I enjoyed Godless Endeavor though, but I do enjoy the older Nevermore over the new. Still a great band no matter which era.

I love listening to Nevermore, though I did get a little angered when they decided to go open for Disturbed when the tour got pushed back instead of being a Headliner at ProgPower. It doesn't make me lose my appreciation for their music though, just lost the appreciation for their management and management skills.
Dreaming Neon Black is their top achievement .. in my opinion at least.

I do also rate This Godless Endeavor, and Dead Heart In A Dead World very highly, followed closely by The Politics Of Ecstacy.

Great band, Cheiron .. glad you've found yourself to be a fan.

Dead Heart in a Dead World
Dreaming Neon Black
Politics of Ecstacy
Enemies of Reality
Godless Endeavor

and I havent heard their first, I will someday. The River Dragon has Come has the best solo eva
Dreaming Neon Black is an incredible record to say the least. it was my first by the band and I was INSTANTLY Hooked on them. Dead heart in a Dead World is a killer record too.
For those not familiar with Sanctuary, their Into The Mirror Black album is the beginning of the genius writing and playing that evolved into Nevermore.

Sanctuary's first album, Refuge Denied, was produced by Dave Mustaine (who was instrumental in their discovery and exposure), and it's a bit unhinged and raw, but unleashes all hell in a loose, clanging slam fest (kinda like early Megadeth)...

Rock on!
yeah, Sanctuary was the shit!. I remember seeing them Doro and Magadeth in 1987 or 88.
Holy mother of god that was music like i had never heard.
although i do hate the cover of "White Rabbit"
yeah, Sanctuary was the shit!. I remember seeing them Doro and Magadeth in 1987 or 88.
Holy mother of god that was music like i had never heard.
although i do hate the cover of "White Rabbit"

Yep that was 1988. I saw them at Center Stage in ATL. Sanctuary tore it up that night. I too HATE the White Rabbit cover. it;s the only song on the album I don;t love.
Nevermore! AHHHHHHHH

Now I have an excuse to brag about that Dead Heart Picture LP I own. Listeining to the title track's intro on a vinyl player is creepy.
Yep that was 1988. I saw them at Center Stage in ATL. Sanctuary tore it up that night. I too HATE the White Rabbit cover. it;s the only song on the album I don;t love.

Center Stage is that old! It has been kept up extremely nicely, but really almost 20 years to get lights on the steps that is ridiculous.
yeah, Sanctuary was the shit!. I remember seeing them Doro and Magadeth in 1987 or 88.
Holy mother of god that was music like i had never heard.
although i do hate the cover of "White Rabbit"

Where'd you see 'em, I saw them in Kalamazoo, MI on that tour. Got autographs from the Sanctuary dudes then. Warrel Dane's hair was so long then it was unbelievable. I like the 1st Sanctuary album better than the 2nd. Pure, unadulterated '80's power/speed metal. I like the White Rabbit cover myself, Mustaine does some nice leads.

As far as Nevermore, I own everything and Dead Heart is in my top 10 of all time. That album is perfect in every respect. Dreaming is just a notch below it. Excellent album. S/T-1st 5 songs great, last 3, average at best, therefore it's toward the middle of my list.

Dead Heart In A Dead World
Dreaming Neon Black
This Godless Endeavor
In Memory-"Sorrowed Man" alone is worth the price of admission
Enemies of Reality
Politics of Ecstasy
Dreaming Neon Black is their top achievement .. in my opinion at least.

I do also rate This Godless Endeavor, and Dead Heart In A Dead World very highly, followed closely by The Politics Of Ecstacy.

Great band, Cheiron .. glad you've found yourself to be a fan.

You and I agree on this topic. DNB is killer.
I have to say, the -song- "Dreaming Neon Black" is wayyy up there on my list of fave songs ever. The production on that album is impeccable, and I looove that 'wall of guitar' sound. Thank ewe, Neil Kernon. :)
Obiviously if you have heard me sing there is more than a little influence in me from the mighty Warrel Dane. I have been a huge fan since Sanctuary, but Dreaming Neon Black really hit me like a ton of bricks, haven't been that effected since hearing Queensryche's EP made me know being a metal singer was my dream in life. I like all Nevermore's disk but if I had to put an order to them

Dreaming Neon Black
Dead Heart
Some of you Sanctuary fans may recognize my user name from an old song. It's been my 'web name' since 1999. :)

I am a huge fan and have been since way back. Pick up everything, Cheiron. Then go see them live. The talent will blow you away (and they are a nice bunch of guys to boot).

As for their best? I totally agree with General Zod.

*BA. Mega Nevermore fangirl.* :headbang: