fingerstyle question / poll

Do you use 4 or 5 fingers to play fingerstyle guitar?

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I used to play classical too, and with 6 strings arpeggios I usually do thumb-thumb-index-middle-ring-middle-index. It doesn't trouble me in the slightes, but I guess beacuse I started at 8 years old, so it's kinda dug in me. I never use my pinky anyway, and also on the D string I usually use the thumb unless it's a six string arpeggio.

thats 7, why did you include that last index?

ive never done any classical or flamenco classes, why is it that the pinky is ignored? i find it easier to use it because i dont like moving my hand around that much <---lazy

i try to only use my pinky when playing the E, unless its a long chromatic string or if im playing some bebop or what have you, in that case ill either hammer on / pull off or alternate with my other fingers. as an example, when i play benighted by opeth, my pinky takes the E in all those little arpeggios (the first riff). in mediterreanean sundance by al di meola, when it comes to the unison thingo with paco and al playing the same thing, i alternate fingers
ive never done any classical or flamenco classes, why is it that the pinky is ignored? i find it easier to use it because i dont like moving my hand around that much <---lazy

the pinky is ignored because with the angle the hand is supposed to be held in classical playing, the pinky cant reach (being a shorter finger) however there are some famous classical players who grow an extra long pinky nail to compensate.

Have no troubles with 4 myself

edit: Stepan Rak is a good example
you can see at the start
mmm thanks for this, my pinky is positioned a little further back (away from the fretboard) to compensate for the length
I like to use five, when I started practising finger style playing I sucked about the same with every finger so I trained the pinky as well, Now I can control is as much, and get the same dynamic touch as with the others.
I play guitar finger-picked 90% of the time and I've only ever used four fingers. I can recall using my pinky to pluck a chord with usage of five strings or other situations, but otherwise I see it as completly useless.
on a semi related note, is it just me or does fredrik's hand look really uncomfortable when he plays with his fingers? his wrist and hand formation just looks really strange to me
on a semi related note, is it just me or does fredrik's hand look really uncomfortable when he plays with his fingers? his wrist and hand formation just looks really strange to me

You're not the only one, but as he said he really had to work on that.
I play like this:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Edit: It's so awesome how this shit won't embed properly.
I voted 4.
I use four fingers and a thumb.

I'll often use my middle, ring and pinky fingers to tremolo pick the higher strings and use my thumb and index finger to play a melody underneath that when making fingerstyle arrangements of popular songs. Generally though, I use my pinky and ring fingers as an anchor and only lift whichever one I am using to pick at any given time. I've seen some people anchor their palm on the bridge to free up their fingers but I find that more restrictive than anything and I like to use where along the string I pick as another dynamic device.
I voted 4.
I use four fingers and a thumb.

I'll often use my middle, ring and pinky fingers to tremolo pick the higher strings and use my thumb and index finger to play a melody underneath that when making fingerstyle arrangements of popular songs. Generally though, I use my pinky and ring fingers as an anchor and only lift whichever one I am using to pick at any given time. I've seen some people anchor their palm on the bridge to free up their fingers but I find that more restrictive than anything and I like to use where along the string I pick as another dynamic device.

palm on the bridge is pretty retarded, don ross does it but he has a thumb pick. i dont use a thumb pick

most of the time i dont use anything as an anchor but sometimes ill use my thumb on the low e