Finished mix: Slate/Hellraiser/API/Fredman.

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey guys, just finished off another one.

The group is called "Assassinate the Following" ...all the guys in the group are 17 years old, save for the bass player, who's 21.

The usual suspects are involved with this one. Slate Kick, & 5150/Hellraiser/Fredman on the guitars.

Here's the link:
It's the first track on the hi-res player: "Mandatory Abolishment"

As always, comments/questions are welcome!

Sounds great dude. Do you use the rhythm or lead channel on the Peavey? Boosted? Also, I know you have probably told everyone a million times, but what are your settings?

Yeah, but this time it's finished! ...Went through a number of revisions & whatnot with mixes.

Drums were way loud on the Black Album, too, btw. :muahaha:

Guitars were 5150 Green Channel. Hi gain input, bright switch in.

Settings (absolute values):

Lo : 7
Mid: 1.5
Hi: 4.5
Reso: 7
Pres: 9.5

Anyway, thanks for the compliments, guys!
I think it sounds great, drums seem a little much at the begining of the track but once everything starts going at once they seem to sit really nice, I think some of the sung vocals could be less dominant or a little grittier sounding or that the vocal in general could sit a little better than it does, LOVE the bass sound, the guitars sound GREAT, Drums sound appropriate, what I dont like though probably has more to do with performance than with what you did, my take 8.5 out of 10, Hello btw still kinda new to the forum but really liked the Drum tutorial thing you did in the FAQ section