In Progress: Could use some feedback (Fredman/Slate/API)

So, here's a new version, with the guitars mixed with the on-axis louder, how I normally do it. They definitley sound a lot more "pissed off."


I always thought for the fredman technique that the angled mic is a lot louder than the on axis dead on mic. I was always putting it 6- 7 db lower than the angled. Is your way the standard way or just the way you like to do that technique?
The songs with the natural kick sounds good. I think the song with the best sounding kick I heard was that Betrayer song, it seems to have the most punch. I like the way you brought the bass guitar out as well - I've always felt that the bass should just a as clear, rather than just a driving undertone, but that doesn't always work for every song. The snare on that band no better way, is that natural as well, because it sounds freakin bad.
I didn't get to hear which kick it was... which one was it? For click 5 and 15 are great... that said if your natural kick works, use it! But out of 18 kicks on the Elite Package, I haven't had complaints yet :).
The songs with the natural kick sounds good. I think the song with the best sounding kick I heard was that Betrayer song, it seems to have the most punch. I like the way you brought the bass guitar out as well - I've always felt that the bass should just a as clear, rather than just a driving undertone, but that doesn't always work for every song. The snare on that band no better way, is that natural as well, because it sounds freakin bad.

The Betrayer stuff was from 2004... things have come a long way since then. I much prefer the newer kicks to that... but hey, to each his own. As for No Better Way, yeah, that's all natural. BTW, "Bad" as in it sucks? The band sure liked it.
I always thought for the fredman technique that the angled mic is a lot louder than the on axis dead on mic. I was always putting it 6- 7 db lower than the angled. Is your way the standard way or just the way you like to do that technique?

Whichever sounds best. Usually, I'll go with the on-axis being louder.
Yeah, birch kits can be a pain, our drummer had one - an old Tama Rock Star, and I never cared much for the sound. I guess for live apps, they are good because they project well. I have heard some nice ones in the music store, but they were some pricey bastards.