
i unfortunately already committed going to see Trivium in Cambridge with some old friends before I heard about the Amon Amarth/Finntroll gig *sob* however I have seen them before and I'm seeing Finntroll at the roadshock tour in May so its all good...have a great time tho, it promises to be an awesome gig :)
because i value friends more over my own wants :yuk: i promised to go to Trivium first..

ive seen them before anyhow and i got finntroll in May so its all good..

This will be my 3rd time seeing the excellent viking/melo death hybrid Swedes; I'll catch Binntroll in May again (sadly) and I've already seen Trivial. I've also seen Slayer and Megadeth who Trivial ripped off so I guess that's a total 3 times really. Can't believe you didn't even say that you were going for Annihilator. :p
Apparently some guy called Damon Amarth is headlining over Finntroll?!?! I don't understand this. Can't wait for the Road Shock tour to see those mighty trolls get the spotlight they deserve. I pity you Daru for underating the mighty Trivium! If Matt Heafy were dead (we can but hope) he would be rolling in his grave!
Who says you can't be an elitist and open minded? To be brutally honest, I listen to way more genres of music than just metal and rock based material, far more so than the average 'metalhead'. Probably more than you. I just don't need some company dictating to me what to listen to.

Amon Amarth > Finntroll.