Fire@Great White show , several people dead...

Reading these very personal stories has really made this tragedy hit home, it could have been any one of us. I'm sitting here with a tear in my eye as I type this. My deepest sympathy goes out to the families and frinds of those who tragically lost their lives and I wish those who were injured a speedy recovery.
R.I.P. Matthew, Jeff and everyone who died that night.

Rich, this is JeffsBuddy. My name is Bruce and I hope to meet you at the memorial service on Saturday.
R.I.P. Jeff, Matthew and everyone else who lost their lives in this tragedy. Also here's wishing those who were injured a speedy recovery. I agree .... this could have been anyone of us.
an apsolute tragedy...! :cry:

i dont thinks theres any words to discribe it...

my deepest sypathys to all affected. hopefully some good will come of this, IE pyro must be declaired on riders... and fire marshalls being present when they are used, it could have happened at any number of gigs attended in any club... by anyone...

watching a report from one surviver this everning on MSNBC from a guy pull out after they quenched the fire.. and well... so deeply moving thats all i can say!