OT: Nightclub's pyrotechnic display erupts into huge fire

holy fuck someones head is gonna be on the chopping board for this.

why on earth would u have pyro in such a small club,and to top it all off have foam covering the ceiling and the walls.

clubs in australia have to have the most stringent safety measures,i cant believe they didnt even have sprinklers in the roof???

second tragedy at a nightclub in a week,whats next?
human stampede - the worst death ever! 12 people jammed stuck in the door while the black stench of death is at your heels... wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies..


I was at the 'thrax show almost a year ago to the week at the "Station" , even recorded the show on audio.
That club was such a dive that the crowd broke down the makeshift stage barrier within less than a minute of the opening song "Among the Living", John even stopped the show so they could address the situation....
Here's what they wrote about it in their online tour diary back then :

Anthrax Tour Diary 2-21-02

" We left NYC late Tuesday night and woke up in West Warwick Rhode Island.
We had a headline show booked to replace the Toronto show at a club called the Station.
The Station in West Warwick is the dump of dumps. Worse than CBGB's even. It was freezing out. We were all bummed about having to play some shithole, wanting to be back within the warm confines of the Priest tour.
All of that was forgotten when we took the stage.
The crowd was rabid. They ripped the barricade down thirty seconds into 'Among The Living'. The show crushed. It felt good to do a headline show, like stretching your legs after a long flight.
Thanks to the fans in Rhode Island for making such a beautiful mess. "

I only hope that the friends I bumped into / made at the 'thrax show were either fortunate to get out alive last night at GW or had good enough taste to not even attend...

The Fat Fox that Rocks,

P.S. I had worked a show at the Station recently doing photography for a Pink Floyd tribute band.
The " foam audio soundproofing insulation " didn't look like any kind that I had ever seen in the past. It was extremely thin, almost as if they had just covered everything with regular foam rubber...
I have pictures of this even, I'm wondering if I should get involved and send these pictures of the " foam " covered walls / ceiling to the proper authorities to help ???
Or am I just being paranoid ???
I saw an "80's" metal band(ok,Bulletboys,haha) in a small club about 8 years ago. They didn't do any pyro,but they had about as many amps as an arena-size show. It was so loud and distorted,you couldn't hear anything but a wall of noise. This is a problem when these bands can't adjust to a smaller venue.
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
Thats fuckin scary. I was reading in the paper the other day about 21 people who died by stampeding out of a bar (or something) because of a pepper-spray-scare in Chicago, I think.
This is crazy. Can you imagine being in there with the fire spreading?
They just said on CNN at least 65 people have died.

I am from around where this Happened, and this club was closed 4 months ago because of the poor condition the club was in( If you dont like my spellingTD Alex Stomp, pass this post)But Mr Jessy Jackson( Better knowen as Jessy Jackass) Said, You Cant Close this club Just because Its a BLACK club, and now look at what happened!!! All this shit over 2 Ladies talkin shit to eachother over whos Fur Jacket Cost more, and now How menny people are dead?!? this is bull shit.. I dont know what to say really......I am out of here, Time to go kiss Danny's ass, Right Boys?:D
I coould care less about Great White or the club ( yes I am a cold hearted mother fucker). But my prayers go out to People who died and the kids that lost parents. To bad Gene Simmons wasnt in there.
very sad and tragic but-
from the video footage i saw it looked like they were asking for trouble: very low roof, big pyrotechnics in a shitty small (wooden?) club. why would you need/have fire going off in such a small club??????
Originally posted by max
very sad and tragic but-
from the video footage i saw it looked like they were asking for trouble: very low roof, big pyrotechnics in a shitty small (wooden?) club. why would you need/have fire going off in such a small club??????
dramatic affect for a band way past its prime. Still I would rather listen to those guys then some of there peers. I.E Warrant, Poison etc.