Great White Concert Kills 26

The LA Times had a chart on Friday of the band's tour and when they used pyro. They listed a number of shows where they were told not to use pyro and didn't.

As I said, I'm from RI. I just learned a second person I know is dead. He was the older brother of an ex-girlfriend of mine, and only 31. I want to break something right now...
Keyser Soze said:
yeah, one of the clubs in which the band played leaked the rider doc to, and there was no mention of pyro anywhere in that document.

That will hurt GW's case. Unless this "verbal agreement" to use Pyro had witnesses, it's hearsay and inadmissable. Details like that must be in writing. That's why you have the RIDER and Performance cover your ass as an artist or a promoter. Bands that don't have permission, tend not to put it in the rider prefering to use the "surprise" tactic. I know of a few bands that have done this on a regular basis.

If the club owners' attorney is able to drive this point home, the owners of the club will probably get off scott free w/ some fines only. Then the installation of non fire retardant insulation will become a moot point since it is not a requirement of night clubs or they wouldn't have passed their recent fire inspection.

Maybe now it will be a requirement for all clubs.

I can also see legislature being drawn up making it a felony if you set off a firework or any pyro in a public building without a permit and a firemarshall present.
Here's a little bit of Washington State stuff:

Courts have used "due regard for the safety of all persons"
interchangeably with the duty of care for ordinary negligence. Ordinary
negligence involves a breach of a duty of "reasonable care;" that is,
doing some act that a reasonably careful person would not do under the
same or similar circumstances.

Reckless disregard for the safety of others is intentional conduct that
breaches a duty to do or refrain from doing something, in wanton
disregard of the consequences and under such circumstances that a
reasonable person would know the conduct is likely to harm another

Gross negligence is defined as the failure to exercise slight care.
Although failure to exercise slight care does not mean the total absence
of care, such as with reckless disregard, it does mean care that is
substantially less than "reasonable" care.

And if you mess with pyro or fireworks, you answer to the principles of Gross Negligence if something goes amiss.

So I am lead to believe...........
Wow, the body count is so dreadfully more than the original post implies.

*bows tiger head in moment of silence for fallen metal comrades*
xSamhainx said:
Wow, the body count is so dreadfully more than the original post implies.

*bows tiger head in moment of silence for fallen metal comrades*

Please take into account that this post was written not too long after the Station fire had made the news.
I thought they would be kept off site, as such things I would imagine are done some time in advance and filed away in case something happens