Great White Concert Kills 26

Originally posted by alanbirdsell
My understanding of why the pyro was used is that the band give the promoter various information. In this case the type of pyro the band wanted to use. The promoter asks the club if this is OK. If the club says no, the band doesn't use it and if the club owner says yes (they usually have to be licensed for it) the band uses it. And there are a class of pyro considered safe for indoor use. It generates a lot of sparks and little heat, much like the little spark shooting toys some of had as children. In this case Jack Russell said he would often stand in the edge of the sparks for effect. The club owner apparently told the promoter that they were ok'd for pyro and that message was passed on to the band, who has to trust everyone else has done their homework (at least until now). Who knows what the final story of what happened will be. I imagine it will change almost hourly. The one thing I did see missing that might have made a difference having seen a lot of club bands up here use pyro is a guy on each side of the stage with a fire extinguisher until the pyro is done. None-the-less it's very sad.

From what Jack Russell said in his interview with CNN, the band was using a "safe, indoor," type of pyrotechnic, possibly of the type you're describing. Unfortunately, there is no telling what kind of problems or materials that any club may have at anytime. For one, the club was using egg-packing foam as sound insulation on the back and sides of the stage. It was this foam which was hit by the sparks which is clearly seen in the video. Unfortunately, this material is extremely flammable. Also, the club's interior looks much like one of the clubs in Anaheim, CA, The Shack (now closed) with lots of carpet and wood paneling throughout the club.

Add on top of this that you may not know all of what's inside the club, the condition of it, etc., you could end up in a situation where what is supposed to be a "cold spark" pyrotechnic device could turn deadly, as seen on the video.

Domenic Santana, owner of The Stone Pony in Asbury Park, NJ, stated that the band didn't have permission to use ANY pyro at the show on Valentine's Day and nearly pulled the band off the stage unless it was made clear that the band would not use their pyro. He also stated that had the band made mention of the pyro during the pre-production of the show, they would have made arrangements with the local fire marshall to check all the pyrotechnic devices, the particular pyro effects that would be used and they could then determine what would be safe to use in the club. They also could have gotten the licensed pyrotechnicians and additional help with people on either side of the stage with fire extinguishers.

Mr. Santana also stated that from watching the video, that the band more than likely didn't have permission to use pyro as there would have been people on either side of the stage with fire extinguishers. Having seen the video this morning, you can see where what could have been an easily contained fire quickly got out of hand.
up to 96 at last count. Yikes! That is awlful. Just a horrific thing to happen, especially at a concert. :( I guess GW are still missing a guitarist too...
What a sad way to go. I just can't understand the lack of common sense here. Couldn't they see that this was not an arena? I just hope that videographer Butler never shows up to one of our shows!!!!!
According to, the final count is going to stay at 96 and, at the time of this writing, 5 people who were killed have been identified.

I think it's safe to say this is the end of Jack Russell's Great White and also Jack Russell's career. Even if the band, Mr. Russell or their management, or the owners of the Station manage to avoid the criminal charges for gross negligence and/or manslaughter, there will no doubt be a string of personal injury law suits and wrongful death suits that will deplete any monies which the band has made so far. And, even if they manage to avoid any of that, do you think that ANY club is going to book them again after this?
Per Elizabeth Zuckerman AP:

"Rhode Island Attorney General Patrick Lynch said Friday a criminal investigation was under way to determine if any charges should be filed in connection with the deadly inferno at The Station nightclub.

''There could be a whole menu of charges,'' he said. ''It could be manslaughter, it could be murder, it could be simple assault.''

Federal charges appear less likely. Jim McNally, a spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, said Saturday that investigators had found nothing to indicate federal charges."
Originally posted by thebigyetti
dont forget the lawsuits will deplete any monies they make in the future the way juries hand out settlements these days

True, there are way too many frivolous lawsuits these days, but this isn't just some old lady spilling hot McDonald's coffee in her lap. I know money isn't going to bring anyone back, but in this case there seems to be a level of carelessness that should never happen. It might sound mean, but please forgive me if I don't have a whole lot of sympathy regarding their future income. :(

Hopefully some lessons will be learned from this and the Chicago tragedy. We went out last night to a pretty crowded bar and just made sure we knew where the exits were. Then we had fun!

its totaly incomprehensible what happened in Rhode Island,

i cant get my head round why everyone ran for the same door, there were at least three other exits- then again, during a blind panic, who knows..
Originally posted by thebigyetti
dont forget the lawsuits will deplete any monies they make in the future the way juries hand out settlements these days

Future? There's not going to be much future monies coming to the band other than their sales going up since this happened. Other than that, this band has no more future.

Unfortunately, this may put the former members of Great White out of their monies if a lien is placed on their share of the royalties for co-writing the material even if Jack Russel is the only original member.
i was also referring to any money that russell may make in the future as an individual, provided he doesnt go to jail over this
The owner of the Stone Pony in Asbury Park, NJ (the club widely credited as being responsible for letting the Springsteen plague loose on this nation) Domenic Santana, stated that the band used their pyro without notifying anyone in the club. The club didn't find out until the sparks started flying. The stage manager of the Stone Pony said that if they had been notified that the band would be using pyro, they would have been able to get the fire marshall's supervision and they also would have had fire extinguishers on hand and people ready in case anything did happen.

One of the things that also keeps coming up in the questions that people keep asking is why didn't anyone notice that the band was setting up pyro on the stage in between bands. The problem with club stage management is that you have bands which are not regulars of the club and some club's management may not have the training to know what pyrotechnic devices look like. With all the action that is happening on the stage in between bands, there is no telling who is bringing what onto the stage.

Things are also coming to light about the Filling Station allowing other bands to use pyro, despite the fire marshall not issuing permits to the club in the first place. It seems that one musician is coming forward with a videotape of his band performing at the Station using the "gerbs" that Great White was using.

Stay tuned...