Fireface Users - Brainstorming


May 24, 2005
I've been given the opportunity to merge with another studio that would allow me to get more clients. The other studio is basically computer-less. He's running a Mackie 24 Channel mixer with Preamps into an Alesis HD24 ADAT.

I currently have:
(2) M-Audio Octanes Lightpiped to the FF800
Dual Opteron PC DAW
I don't have a mixing board or controller.

What would be the best way to merge our setups to get the most out of our gear?
At the old studio I was at we used a Mackie 32.8 console into 4 M-Audio Delta 1010's. The pre's were alright, always left me wanting more though. The EQ on the board was really decent though, I'll give it that. You should see which pres sound better overall and go from there. If the Mackie pres sound better, then you could run 16 channels of them into the Octanes via line-in, then ADAT from those out into the 800, and run the other 8 channels via line-in on the RME. Thats one way to look at it. If I were you, I'd merge with him, more business never hurt anyone. :)

If the pres on the Octanes are better just stick with those and ditch the Mackie board altogether and get another 8 channel pre with line outputs to go to the RME such as the PreSonus Digimax FS (great value!) - or use channels 1-8 on the Mackie via line in on the RME for various things.

Cool. Thanks for the idea. I'm headed over today to start talking about setup ideas. This is a great opportunity for both of us.

I'll finally have more space!
Check if the HD24 has limiters on the converters. The fireface has limiters only on the 4 pre-amps in the front - if you patch-in from the back; no limiter... which limits your options a bit ;)
QV said:
Check if the HD24 has limiters on the converters. The fireface has limiters only on the 4 pre-amps in the front - if you patch-in from the back; no limiter... which limits your options a bit ;)

Heh heh.:Smug:
QV said:
Check if the HD24 has limiters on the converters. The fireface has limiters only on the 4 pre-amps in the front - if you patch-in from the back; no limiter... which limits your options a bit ;)
No the Fireface doesn't have any limiters (except one on the Instrument line in and it's not so good).
Hmmm, never used the four pre-amps in front, but I always thought they had limiters since the limit function is related to the "front" setting - but in either case, it would be good to see if the HD24 has them.
I don't think the HD24 has them but I will check to be sure.

The mackie console may have them.
I just checked and the HD24 and the Mackie console do NOT have built in limiters.