DAW Monitoring Live Performance - EQ


Mar 23, 2006
Fox Lake, IL
Hey all. Been thinking about upgrading my recording gear to be DAW type setup. I have an Alesis HD24. I want to incorperate this into my PC recording without having to lug my Mackie SR 24 out to track Drums. Normally all mics go in, say ch's 01-12, DI to the HD24, then back into the mackie on ch's 13-24 for monitoring. I add the EQ last on those 13-24 ch's. I do not record with any EQ (most of the time) or Comps. So how would I go about Monitoring while the band is actually playing and I am listening to the performance? Alot of the adat lightpipe to PC things have mixers built in (DSP) but it doesn't have any EQ. Is this how it is? Is there any options? I was looking @ the RME DIGI9652 (Light pipe only, but expanable) or the MOTU 2408mk3. I am thinking the MOTU with some sort of a 12 channel pre-amp to go along with it. I could use the 12 with live mics and the motu 8 line-ins for triggers or something. But still have the no EQ for monitoring issue. Any Idaes? Thanks for your time yall.
The best thing to think about is just not worrying if it sounds amazing while they track (for them). Worry about getting good sounds captured, record it, then eq it, etc. It doesn't necessarily have to sound like anything other than raw tones while tracking...some people do it differently, no one way is right. I personally do a little bit of pre-eq'ing before tracking so that I have a head-start on things when it comes time to start mixing. But that takes some experience because you don't want to do too much and then be stuck with something later on because of it.

Most musicians don't understand the job of an A.E., and think it's supposed to sound like the hizzle-pimp-shizzle right off the bat. Fuck 'em.

Usually for bands that think this, and I know that ahead of time, I'll intentionally make it sound so raw and un-processed the entire time just to make them cringe and/or rethink coming to me. Then when they leave after tracking everything, I'll spend the time to start mixing and processing everything. So that when they come in the next day and I'm like "check it out guys, I was listening to it last night and I really think it sounds killer!" *insert clients rolling their eyes and playing along with me*, then I press play on the project that is nearly completely finished mix-wise and watch as their jaws barely miss the floor. After that it's all smiles and offers for drinks at a bar once it's 100% done. Good times.

Really the main thing would be Kick drum. That is something that I can't do without EQ. Guitars, vocs & Bass I don't use eq untill mix usually. I am decent with mic placement/getting a better source. This is mostley a drum concern I have.