Firewind Do The Can-Can!!!!

How many nick names does he have? O.O

Oh yes, Lolcats and DragonForce, A lot of the cats match up. Once i figure out how to encode images ill put it up here i guess

-sweat drop-

Lolcats and that's something I'd like to see!!!

Bob is absolutely insane. What with his iced coffee (groooosssss), his CRAZY faces in photos and his many many...MANY nicknames!!!!

xx Kirsty

Haha don't forget his 'What texting? like on the phone?!!!!'

Manchester was great
*guy behind us* "I got a t-shirt that says iCarl on it just for iBob"
me "get with the times, it's xBob now" *shakes head in disgust* hehe

Also I WANT CATFORCE! now now now now now now now now now :p