Firewind LIVE in Thessaloniki, 12th January Playing NEW Yet-To-Be Released Album!


Epic Kirsty
Jan 2, 2007
Glasgow, Scotland
FIREWIND finishing new album & announcing exclusive live premier show!

FIREWIND's mastermind Gus G. has posted the following update regarding the recording process of their new yet untitled album, out on Century Media Records in March 2008 as well as its exclusive live premier:

"Well, most of the recordings for the new album are done by now! We've been locked @ Sweden's Studio Fredman for about a month now and I'm super excited with the way things are shaping up! Killer sounds on the drums, guitars and bass. We've recorded 12 original songs and a few covers which will be revealed in time.

I also want to set something straight since some people seem to be confused: Apollo is still in the band! Yes, he is singing on the new album (currently finishing up his vocal tracks - which in my opinion are his best performances ever!) and yes, he is going back on the road with us in 2008.

Now onto something different and very special: Since we have gotten such a great response on our world tour 2006-2007 and have received so much love from our fans, we would like to give back by doing something special for them: We will play a one and only exclusive show in our hometown (Thessaloniki, Greece) on Saturday January 12th, 2008 at Principal Club Theatre, where we will perform our full upcoming brand new album LIVE! So consider this as a very special event since we don't plan on doing this again. Of course we'll play an extra set of other older material in addition to the new songs. What makes this even cooler, is that we'll record and film this event for future DVD use, so we hope to see all our Metal brothers and sisters at this special event!

For those of you that don't live in Greece and plan to travel to see this show, please email us at and let us know of your participation. We'll get back to you and provide info on how to get to the venue, hotels, etc.

Let the Firewind rage on! // Gus G."


xx Kirsty
I knew you'd be going there! I unfortunately can't make it, I've got exams and what not... Damn it, WHY IS IT SO EARLY IN THE YEAR?!?!?
I know! Fucks sake only had like just over a months notice.

Means flights are more expensive and I have less time to ask for time off. Mind you if I don't get the time off I'm just phoning in sick anyway :) Also, a lot of airlines don't fly to Greece between November and March. Gay.

I would have much preferred this in like the first couple of weeks in February. Especially because I will hear the new songs and then have to wait til MARCH until it actually comes out.

xx Kirsty