Firewire (IEEE 1394) = WTF??

Show me where and I'll change my mind!

Is a slower GHz quad chip gonna be better than a faster GHz dual chip? :confused:

I think in general a quad core with slower procs will still outperform a dual core with higher procs. Obviously there will be a point where this may not be the case, but at the price points of these dual core and quad core machines, I think the performance would be better with quad core...and, generally they will have more RAM, which is a boost.

you can get the DV6T from HP's site with 6 GB RAM and a 320 GB HD for around 1140.
If you search some sites like HP, Dell (although I haven't heard good things about their lappys and recording interfaces), Toshiba, Sony, etc...I think you can sometimes find good deals. Also, doing these searches through online "deal sites" like or will sometimes reveal coupon codes that can save you some good money. I just did a search on slickdeals and someone posted a link last week to a dv6t deal with 6GB Ram, 500GB hard drive, 720 quad core proc, etc. for like 950 with a coupon code.

I just don't think I see a reason to check out dual core machines when you can get quad core with more ram for around the same price, often times cheaper.

Obviosly brand preference plays a role, so if you aren't a fan of certain manu's, then you may not be tempted. I've loved my HP and wouldnt hesitate to buy another.
I spec'd one customized on HP's site with 6GB RAM (100 dollar savings right now), and it came to around 1100...But, at times you can find coupon codes for less, thus the reason I pointed to those deal sites...Had you bought an HP last week, you could have got a 720 quad core, 6gb ram and a 500 GB hard drive for 950...a great deal.

Bing cashback is an online shopping incentive through (formerly If you have a paypal account, you have access to Bing. Sign up at and whenever you purchase something online through a participating retailer, you get a certain percentage back (takes 60 days), as long as you route your shopping through Bing. For the link I put above for that lappy at WalMart, they currently have 15% Bing cash back, so 15% would come back to your paypal in 60 days. You can route your shopping through Bing buy either going to the cashback page and searching for the retailer, or simply doing a search for certain products from the bing search engine...Anything that has available cash back is designated by a little gold circle with a dollar sign in it...Sometimes searching for unrelated products can bring up cashback that may not be listed for a specific retailer. Like to get the WalMart 15%, you could do a search for (example here) "kitchen knives"...It would bring up the walmart deal that says 15% cashback...Click through to WalMarts site and THEN search for the computer...Voila! buy it and get 15% back.

I've used Bing for my 2 newest LCD monitor purchases, a new X2 wireless, some ebay stuff, etc...Over the last 4 months, I've gotten 270 back through Bing...I like it!

Oh, BTW, only 4GB RAM, but still...
About to buy a new laptop and having the same issue (most new laptops do not have FW ports anymore).

So if i wanna kick ass with a FW device (like a M Audio PRofire audio interface), is a expresscard FW card the way to go ?

Is eSata gonna be used for audio production devices someday like FW has ?
I went through the same shit, when looking at the new laptops. You have to pay around $1000 to get a firewire port, and the Best Buy fucks look at you all weird, when you ask about firewire. No one uses it but us audio people and video editors. They are clueless to what firewire is. That Asus laptop looks pretty fucking baddass though. It has a GTX260 Vcard, so you could edit with Avid on it. My old laptop is GOLD to me now, since it has a firewire port.
We are going through the same thing right now! I have been scoping out laptops for a while. So far I have decided I need at least an intel i3, 4 gb ram, and 7200 rpm hd.

This is one I am thinking about getting unless I decide I just have to spend the extra money and get an i7 laptop but they are so bulky and terrible battery life. I hate big laptops.

I bought a pcmcia firewire card with the ti chipset about a year ago so i am hoping it will go into whatever i get. you can get those pretty cheap on ebay and there are still new laptops that support the pcmcia cards like the one i will be using.