Firewire to USB adapter for my Saffire Pro 40


New Metal Member
Apr 11, 2014
First off I don't know much about computers.

I'm interested in a pretty neat motherboard that doesn't come with normal PCI, only PCI express so I want to know if a firewire to usb connector would work fine with my saffire pro? No added latency, crashes etc. I really don't want to buy another interface cause I'm happy with this and it was very expensive. I only need it now to record guitars.

Something like that^. Or what other solutions do I have?
this ^

I was in your exact situation a few months ago. Only good solution is buy a firewire card which fits in the motherboard. For a saffire buy a firewire 400 card based on TI or VIA chipsets as there have been problems with other chipsets.
Shouldn't cost much, especially if you can sell your current card second hand.

Really, do not try adapters and similar half-ass solutions. They will only cause you headaches and probably are going to end up costing more in the long run.