First Ever Post (SD2.0, Diezel VH4)


Teh Groove Metuhl
May 10, 2010
Calgary, AB
Hey guys,
I've creeped around and lurked here for quite some time, but I am looking for some opinions on the mixes I've been doing.

I actually wrote a new song today. Couldn't for the last couple weeks write a damn thing.
But now I jammed out something random and it turned into a new song for the solo stuff I've been doing.

The chain is as follows :

ESP LTD MH-1000 w/ EMG's ---> Diezel VH4 ---> Mesa OS 4x12 ---> SM57 ---> Firepod ---> Cubase 5

There isn't any bass on any of the tracks.

It's called "Unnamed", as I can't for the life of me figure out a name for it.
But it's only a demo of the song, I'm not finished yet.

Myspace :
Soundclick :

Also many thanks to a few members in this forum!
I've learned a TON from this place.
Dude I think these guitars sound pretty awesome. Could be a little tighter on the low end (maybe roll back the lows). Sick amp, I envy you highly. I have to mirror comments above about the kick. If you have drumagog try using an exterior sample. Nice work. Really really good for a first post.

my tips for getting a good kick sound from S2 -

use the 24" kick, bring down the room mics for the kick by 6-9db, scoop the fuck out of it, a little bit of ~5kHz boost, and then a steep (24dB/octave) hi pass at around 60Hz (you'll need to use an external EQ plug for that).

i'm really liking the tone from the VH4, it's really thick, and you've done a really good job mic'ing the cab, it doesn't sound boxy at all!

at the moment, the low end from the S2 kick is *really* pumping the mix!
