first impressions of Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue

It's weird and even more far out than Choirs... It's going to take a while to fully grasp. I don't think they're going mainstream any time soon! :lol:
I just listened to the first two tracks while driving in the autumn weather and I was enjoying the hell out of it. I think I'll try to listen to it at least once a day for a while. I think it has potential to be even better than Choirs.
Choirs I could never listen to at home, but I enjoyed the hell out of it whilst driving.

I need to attempt the same with this new one.
Gonna listen to some Kayo Dot when I get home thursday (won't be home before then... hurray for 40 hours without sleep and full of metal and beer)
Okay. Just listened to it again. And it's good. As in... really good. The last ten minutes of "_______ on Limpid Form" (the extreme noise/drone/doom section) blew my balls off. More to come.
I dig that one as well. It's like being lost in an abandoned mountain town at night, with black clouds occasionally smothering the moon.
A ten minute noise'll have to be more specific. If it's any bit as crushing as the closing section of Manifold Curiosity or as powerful as the beating Neurosis at their own game progression of The Antique, my dick shall be mercilessly kicked in.