first impressions of Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue

Initial impressions are the same as for Choirs of the Eye:

It's weird and I don't really care for it.

Obviously that opinion changed, but it took many a month and a listen. So for this new one, I'm hoping the result is the same.

I'm not at the point yet where I'm calling it better than Choirs, but this thing is gnarly, tubular, bodacious and makes me want to yell "cowabunga!"
holy shit mia almost smiling this past weekend in montreal
I saw a picture of Mia smiling once, she had some sort of dead fetus in a bag. Which makes sense I suppose.

Anyhow, I'm starting to really enjoy the first track. Definitely another onion album, which is good if I'm willing to dedicate the time. And for this band, ummm, DUH.
Okay I'm starting to realize the awesomeness of this album now. It's still going to take awhile, but the first two tracks are pretty damn sweet.

And yeah, In the L..l..library Loft is next. Only gave that one spin before putting it away for a later date.

Sometimes I wonder how many albums with massive depth such as these exist that I've completely missed out on, but most of the time I recognize I already have enough cerebral shit and would much rather let the scales tip in favor of "don't bore us get to the chorus" stuff, hence my undying love of all things stoner.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Just listened to the Toby Driver album today...good shit (especially the almost title track and Eptaceros) and incredibly creepy at times with inventive instrumentation all over the place, but not quite on the level of KD or MOTW...and unlike On Limpid Form's obscenely drawn out ending, the big drone here goes nowhere.
Okay Dowsing My Seawhore with Radiant Magenta rules, been listening to it pretty nonstop for a few days. I don't think it will ever be better than Choirs, but nothing much is so that's just super duper.
I read that the other day. One of the better interviews I've come across, regardless of band.
NADatar said:
Dowsing My Seawhore with Radiant Magenta
Huh, I guess I am funny sometimes.

Honestly, I only know the first 3 tracks of this album. 4 and 5 are still a bit of a mystery. That's what I love about this band, I mean it takes AGES to really get what they are doing, but it's very much worth it.
Yeah, they really saved the weirdest stuff for the second half of the album. I loooooooove "____ On Limpid Form", how it deteriorates into paranoiac chaos. "Amaranth the Peddler" sounds like something you'd listen to while napping in a field.
Excellent interview, and while I realized right away that the new one is less dense than Choirs, would have never guessed that there's almost no overdubs...not surprised by the comment about sharing bills with goth bands and/or Neurosis clones, though I'd like to know what his idea of an eclectic show would be.
Haven't spun this in awhile, giving it a go right now. Diggin' it, I remember not being too into it last time I tried it. Although the only track I really love is Gemini Becoming the Tripod.