First Insight Into The New DT Album


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
I'm sure most of you have seen this already, but...

from news from Wednesday, February 28, 2007:

"One of the companies I work closely with is reissue label Rock Candy Records. The label is run by the legendary journalist and A&R duo of Derek Oliver & Dante Bonutto, who are also now working in conjunction with Roadrunner Records to bring new releases from classic bands to the market place.

Their first signing is DREAM THEATER, as announced a month or so ago. Of course the guys are very familiar with the band, having signed them to Elektra all those years ago.

Dream Theater have just turned in their new album Systematic Chaos to their label, and Derek Oliver was kind enough to forward me his thoughts on the album after living with it for a while and gave me the OK to run this as your exclusive first look into the album from someone who has a long and lasting passion for the band."

see for more, or go to for detail.
:ill: New DT? And already named, not bad, misa like it :D Let's hope they continue with the direction of "Octavarium" or get back to IAW, but never another TOT :puke:

NP: Blind Guardian - 'Carry The Blessed Home'
I just read that article. Reading through it, I could only think two words, "F**K METALLICA"! And I'm asking myself, "is he comparing them to the shitty Metallica or the classic Metallica"? Anyway, I just hate it when any band is comparred to them since my interest in them has completely evaporated.

Aside from that, I really don't care about DT until I actually hear the album.
It seems to be a bit to one sided but I guess it's only supposed to spark an interest on the new album.
Reviews like this are bound to bring out the "I only liked I&W and Awake" fans. But clearly the band has moved past that writing style, and past those who only enjoy that material. DT caters to fans who want to hear an evolving sound, and not stagnation or recycling of old material. I look forward to hearing everything they write. Clearly the review comes from a biased perspective, but nonetheless I'm betting it smokes!!!

If I remember correctly, last time DT played PR, there was a iguana on the runway. They had to hold the flight until it was cleared. And I don't think it was cleared by man's hand.....they waited until the iguana left on it's own. I'm sure that's not entirely correct and true, but it was something like that. For weeks peeps were photo shopping iguana's with DT pictures.
Wyvern - I was thinking the exact opposite! :)

I guess it takes all kinds - and opinions are . . . well, opinions.

I hope the new one is good! :) And I hope Wyvern likes it too!


Thanks for a intelligent reply. I'm very allergic to modern sounds and especially mallcore. I felt too much of it in TOT and dissapointed me a lot, on the other hand I felt "Octavarium" strong and very diverse, not to mention the Floydian inspiration in the main theme.

I agree with Rocky that may fans still long for bygone years and a true progressive metal/rock band must "progress", but there are levels of progression.

Rush for instance had progressed many times since the debut with highs and lows, Yes progressed really bad after "Tormato", but retook a lot after the disastrous 80's, Genesis never recovered after Gabriel's deparure going down up the point of turning a pop vehice for Collins. The Flower Kings on the other hand hadn't change a bit since their debut and still delivering strong quality prog.

My hope is for DT to go beyond "Octavarium", far and ahead of IAW, but never near TOT again :wave:

If I remember correctly, last time DT played PR, there was a iguana on the runway. They had to hold the flight until it was cleared. And I don't think it was cleared by man's hand.....they waited until the iguana left on it's own. I'm sure that's not entirely correct and true, but it was something like that. For weeks peeps were photo shopping iguana's with DT pictures.
I don't have all the details either, but that's it in a nutshell. Portnoy posted the experience in the DT forum and a friend of mine forwarded it to me. For those of you that have not had the pleasure of visiting Puerto Rico, you must know that the airport is pretty much in the middle of mangroves and there is a lagoon right across the street. It can certainly happen, but still, it was the first time I heard something like this. I wouldn't have believed the story if I wasn't myself about to run over an iguana with my car in one of the city's most crowded avenues some years ago.
I guess I am the only one that likes all of their releases... yes including TOT!
Awake > Images and Words > A Change of Seasons > When Dream and Day Unite > Train of Thought > Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence > Metropolis Part II: Scenes from a Memory > Octavarium > Falling Into Infinity

nuff said
Awake > Images and Words > A Change of Seasons > When Dream and Day Unite > Train of Thought > Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence > Metropolis Part II: Scenes from a Memory > Octavarium > Falling Into Infinity
Hmmm.... :Smug:

Every DT album brings something different to the table. What that means is that I would not compare an album to another one, as they are (and I would even dare say that they are intended to be) different. SfaM is the album that got me into DT and i will go on record by saying that I even like FII a lot. ToT is one of my all time favorite CDs. I thought that WDaDU being with a different singer would not do it for me, I was wrong. IaW is their masterpiece.

DT covers a very broad musical spectrum. I guess that the day when I can describe a DT album by saying "it sounds like this other DT album" is the day that I will start losing interest in them.