First Paid Job I have Done.

the clean vocals sound cool but only as an effect. i wouldn't use it on an entire song. cymbals are somewhat annoying it sounds like they are too compressed. i don't even compress mine more often than not. and they are too sharp. ez drummer is already post processed you know. screaming sounds good. really just need to work on drums.

also a tad too much reverb on everything imo. i don't know if theres reverb on your master but vocals, snare, toms, and lead guitar are generally all that needs reverb.
he means kick is too clicky not bass... and yes it is. also the drums are too low in the mix... not the cymbals just the shells. the cymbals still need work so trying putting a shelf on them for -4db at 6k or 7k.
Ill be tracking these next few days but ill post another clip when I can thank you so much for the feedback!
I think the rhythym guitars have way to much gain
I think you should find a dIfferent kick sample because the kick doesn't have any thump to it and it's way to clicky.
Bring up the drums in the mix
Vocals sound killer
Lead guitar is nice and clean too. Good work. Just work on the drum shells a little more and it would be a much better mix!!
Checked out remix, and again, drums mix needs work. I think you are a good songwriter in need of some outside help with the drums.