First Person Shooters

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well,first person shooters make me dizzy,but i adore resident evil(all of em),the 80's pc games(like GOLDEN AXE for instance),all the donkey kongs and of course....Tekken3!!!!!!
Originally posted by Mick Moss
Resident Evil 2.

(even though this isnt a fps ) I had many night up until the small hours shitting my foul underpants to this game. I love zombies ( a much ignored genre in the movie business since the early 80s ) and the chance to have a game like this to play was a dream.

:hotjump: Resident Evils are my faves too, lot of Romero stuff in them!!! I'm seriously thinking of saving enough money to buy GameCube and RE 1 with it (it looks amazing...) plus there's gonna be a whole new RE 0 for Gamecube :eek:

though I'll never have enough money to buy 'em nor time to play 'em...
Oh bloody hell...
NOW I'm jealous. Gotta start saving...

ok. tell me. is it good? is it REALLY that good?

i bet it sucks afterall... ;)
You all need to play Mafia, the new game. It's a bit like GTA 3 but more realistic and the graphic is much better.
This game is godly!
You who liked Max Payne will love Mafia ;)
AND, look out for a game called Postal 2, it is supposed to come out somewhere at the beginning of 2003. It's going to be a very innovative and great first person shooter!
Take a look at and download the 2 videos,wow!
Originally posted by falling bird
You all need to play Mafia, the new game. It's a bit like GTA 3 but more realistic and the graphic is much better.
This game is godly!
You who liked Max Payne will love Mafia ;)
AND, look out for a game called Postal 2, it is supposed to come out sometime at the beginning of 2003. It's going to be a very innovative and great first person shooter!
Take a look at and download the 2 videos,wow!
I've just accomplished Medal Of Honor... damn good, I think...shoot too many germans... great graphic engine, but it is not very interactive, like the geo mods on RED FACTION or Max Payne.
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Sorry, it doesn't suck a BIT! If you liked the Ps versions already...... This shit is much better, and the graphics make you wanna lick the tv-screen :hypno:

Uhh? I wouldn't wanna lick the tv while there's some rotting zombies walking around :yuk:

That's it. I'm saving for GC, damn it!
Originally posted by falling bird
You all need to play Mafia, the new game. It's a bit like GTA 3 but more realistic and the graphic is much better.
This game is godly!
You who liked Max Payne will love Mafia ;)
AND, look out for a game called Postal 2, it is supposed to come out somewhere at the beginning of 2003. It's going to be a very innovative and great first person shooter!
Take a look at and download the 2 videos,wow!
BTW this game is already available for underground searchers - my friend has it - it is on 3 CDs - really amazing graphics (reminds on Max Payne indeed)!
I just don't like the 30's atmosphere, althought that there's some really amazing car designs for that time. What else, the AI is pretty good, but it depends on the character.
The whole gameplay is a bit like Grand Theft Auto 3...