First post, hails from Mexico City!!


New Metal Member
Dec 13, 2001
Mexico City
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Hails everybody!!! I just subscribed to the forum. Just wanted to say hi and tell you that I love Death Metal:heh:!!! Even though Opeth are the mellowest I listen to, they are my favourite band!!! above all!! I like bands like Death, The Crown, Defleshed, Cannibal Corpse, Amon Amarth, Withered Beauty, Cenotaph, Decapitated, Mortician, Sodom, Kreator, Dawn of Dreams, At the Gates, Immortal, Angel Corpse, Dissection, Therion (the old ones are way better!), Darkane, Arch Enemy, well you get the picture.
I also listen to some other shit like Pink Floyd, Aghora, Ozric Tentacles, Porcupine Tree, Magma, Gordian Knot, Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, King Crimson, Camel and a lot more. My fav Opeth album is Still life, followed by Morningrise and MAYH, Orchid and BWP, however the 5 of them just make me blow!!!:loco:
Have a good one!!! See you all arround!!!
Let me be the first to welcome you to hell...err...I mean the Opeth forum. I’ll give you the grand tour. If you look to your immediate left you’ll see a man on a podium with a circular gathering of people around him, that’s Satori doing some mind fucking, be careful around that ONE ;) . Now, to your right you’ll see Melancholia, if you can break through the immense crowd of gawking teenage guys you may be able to get in a few words. And if you look over the horizon a bit you’ll see godisanatheist and _Transparent_ , those two are always talking. One last thing, watch out for Lina and HoserHellSpawn, they dislike Dirge for November :p ;) .
Welcome to the thread I'm sure you'll enjoy it I know I do :)

Everybody here is really cool and it becomes really addictive if you let it :)

well welcome to the thrread see ya around
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
Let me be the first to welcome you to hell...err...I mean the Opeth forum.

Ok ,,, you know you are not supposed to tell new members the truth about this place ,,,,,, how are we gonna win the battle against heaven like that eh? ,,, come on now be a good lad ,, haha

yeah welcome to the forum dude/dudette hope you enjoy your ehhhh stay ( muhahahha ) *clears throat* ,, yes ,, yes ,,, anyway ,, get postin ,,
Hola pues compadre mejicano a ki te saluda un amigo chilenito, que bueno que hay otros por aki que hablen español.
Que bueno k disfrute de buen metal pesado y sobre todo de Opeth. Bueno ojalá que lo pases bien aki y nos vemos.
P.D mira el thread de fotos y disfute de las chicas opethianas