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New Metal Member
Dec 23, 2008
Hey guys what's up?

I just got into Amon Amarth recently and I have a few questions about the band.

What is the difference between the "Once Sent From the Golden Hall" version of Victory March and the "Versus the World" version. The Versus the World version seems faster at a glance, but why did they re-record it? What's the story there? Great song though.

And speaking of Versus the World, why is it so uncharacteristically longer than their other albums? Is some of it re-release?

I really like this style of epic metal that Amon Amarth executes so well. What other bands are worth a look for an Amon Amarth fan? (I'm new to the genre)

Last question, what albums are worth buying a hard copy of (I'm an iTunes guy) for reasons of extra content? I think I read that Twilight of the Thunder God comes with a bonus DvD, is there anything else like that?

Thanks for any answers guys.
Last question, what albums are worth buying a hard copy of (I'm an iTunes guy) for reasons of extra content? I think I read that Twilight of the Thunder God comes with a bonus DvD, is there anything else like that?

is that a fuckin serious question??? BUY THEM!!! ALL!!!! fuck extra content, just buy the record man. freakin iTunes bullshit. :Puke::Puke::Puke:
As said before all the Albums are worth a buy. I will never unterstand people who don't go for the real copy if they buy music....

Versus the world is nor longer than the other albums, I think you mean the 2-CD Viking Edition.
On the Second CD they Included a re-recorded version of Victorious March in German, their first MCD "Sorrow throughout the nine worlds" and their two Demos "Arrival of the Fimbul Winter" and "Thor Arise".
is that a fuckin serious question??? BUY THEM!!! ALL!!!! fuck extra content, just buy the record man. freakin iTunes bullshit. :Puke::Puke::Puke:

Fuck you, I like iTunes, its convenient and cheaper. You think Johann hegg will like you more if he sees the fucking thing on your shelf? I swear get the fuck over it, it's the music that matters not the damn wrapping paper. I'm really more interested in responses from people who aren't metal forum e-thugs, thank you.

That said, I do own several of there albums in hard copy including Twilight, Norns, and With Oden on Our Side, the others are difficult to find in stores, and so is their DvD.

The length of Versus the World makes sense now that you tell me its a special edition, thanks for the response.
You should buy them all, but Versus, Twilight, and WOOOS come with bonus stuff.
WOOOS includes Return of the Gods, which is the only AA instrumental afaik and is also somewhat atypical of them stylistically. It's also awesome.

As for Victorious March, you may have noticed that the Versus version IS IN GERMAN DUHR.
You should buy them all, but Versus, Twilight, and WOOOS come with bonus stuff.
WOOOS includes Return of the Gods, which is the only AA instrumental afaik and is also somewhat atypical of them stylistically. It's also awesome.

As for Victorious March, you may have noticed that the Versus version IS IN GERMAN DUHR.

Haha, you'll have to forgive me, the Versus version is the only one I've heard.

I always by the music of bands that I like. I usually test the waters through MySpace to determine if it's worth a buy, I just don't always get it in a hard medium.

Anyone have any suggestions for further listening within the epic metal genre? I'm admittedly a recent convert.
Anyone have any suggestions for further listening within the epic metal genre? I'm admittedly a recent convert.
Strictly speaking "epic" metal generally refers to more power metally stuff rather than melodic death metal, but...

Bathory - Hammerheart and Nordland I are absolutely fucking essential
In Flames - The Jester Race is also not true epic metal but should appeal to you
Wintersun's self-titled is also definitely worth having.

Along the lines of true epic metal Rhapsody - Symphony of Enchanted Lands and Avantasia - The Metal Opera are awesome. However, beware that the term "epic metal" generally refers to happy-unicorn power metal. If you want darker stuff, Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse is epic beyond words.