Quick Question..

Though the Sound of Music does indeed have some political undertones, it's altogether different from Schindler's List. I think we actually had to watch it in music classes, since we had to learn how to play some of the songs in it on our Glockenspiel/Xlaphone.
Ok, my boss is away. Time for a proper inquiry.

Beave - I never danced in my life. I learned how to headbang when I was about 11 or 12 years old.

Goddman..you started banging at 11 or 12? That's wild. At that age almost every girl i knew was either on the Madonna bandwagon or swooning over the likes of George Michael (ha!). There was a few girls I knew that listened to stuff like The Cure but they were like the extreme *rebels*. Come to think of it, i don't think many dudes listened to metal either. I used to love to freak everyone out by wearing my Maiden shirts to school. I always liked being the odd man out. Ha, ha. Man, those were good times.

So i'm curious, did lots of girls listen to metal where you live or were you just born with good taste in music? :D

But I have to admit that I owned a walkman. My best friend and me always recorded the Metal broadcasts on radio and shared them with each other.

Funny you should mention that. I remember listening to the radio for hours with my finger on the "record" button when i was real young, just waiting for the second that they'd play a song from a band like Motley Crue or Van Halen (those were about the heaviest bands they would play over the radio when i was a pup).

My, that was a time back then... Imagine. You had to meet your friends to get music and stuff. Today, you just put on your computer.

Even though i'd probably never be able to surrender the easy access to music that computers offer these days, i think it was more fun back in the days of tape trading. It made for lots of exciting adventures! And it's too easy to take music for granted now. I almost miss trying to hunt down music by some rare, obscure yet ripping band and then finally finding one of their tapes in a music store. It was such a thrill to finally hold the tape in my hands.

Didn't have an own CD player so I tormented my poor Mum with it. She must have hated that guy so much for that

You weren't one of those problem childs, were you? :D
Incidentally, Phelice, that maybe the single fucking raddest signature picture i've ever seen.

If (God forbid) i ever join another internet forum, i will be sure to use that.
OMG, so many questions - and so few time lol
Gonna try to answer.

My friend and me were the only girls in my class listening to Metal. Well Metal back then was like you said - Van Halen, Manowar, Iron Maiden... Judas Priest, Danzig...
All the stuff that I today would call "Screech Metal" (a friend of a friend invented that name and it fits).

Another friend of ours (my... I just realize I had more friends when I was young than I have now ...lol) had a band and they were not bad. They made some thrashy stuff and were the hardest availabla in town. Plus the guy had the longest hair in town, and all of this together made us being silly groupie-like behaving bitches because we had a seriuos crush on him. But just imagine: We didn't even fight over him, we allied against him because he didn't wanna **** with one of us. Yea, we were cruel.

And yes, I do remember us spending hours in the record store and flipping around every CD in the shelf to find this or that particular song. One day, my friend stormed my house yelling and screaming, claiming she had the "key to our fortune". She waved around with a magazine. It was a catalog where you can order Metal CDs and T-Shirts. So we went to the park and turned the pages like the craziest weirdos and calculated around how many banks we are gonna rob. That was when I got my first vacation job and so did she. We ordered everything available of a band names Pink Cream 69. Including concert tickets. It was the gayest Screech Metal band alive but we beamed with pride.
Oooh, those memories!!

Ah yes, I was a problem child. I did many things my Mum got half a heart attack from. But she is still alive and kicking, so I can't have been that bad :kickass: