After investing in some equipment last fall, and using ages learning Cubase/browsing forums, I've finally come up with a mix we're pretty satisfied with. Not quite happy with the guitartone though. This is the longest, and most complex song off the 3-track EP we've recorded. It's got pretty much everything from acoustic guitar to samples of a camel 
Guitars are Revalver MKIII (with englv30higherpres impulse), and bass is Ampeg SVX. Drums are natural except the bassdrum, which is blended 70% or so with a sample.
PS: Mixed on a Sennheiser PX100. Sounds like crap on everything else?
EDIT: Nevermind the Revalver demo noise, I'll fix that for the final export.

Guitars are Revalver MKIII (with englv30higherpres impulse), and bass is Ampeg SVX. Drums are natural except the bassdrum, which is blended 70% or so with a sample.
PS: Mixed on a Sennheiser PX100. Sounds like crap on everything else?
EDIT: Nevermind the Revalver demo noise, I'll fix that for the final export.